Friend Always Help A Friend In Need

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Ariana place a hand on the huge ice boulder that blocked the entrance, "this is the place", Ariana said, looking at the boulder.

"How should we get in?", Anna asks.

Ariana think for a while, then she look at them, "there is a magic I could use to get in", she said, in nervous tone.

"Great-", Olaf said.

"But-", Ariana cut him off, "-I can only use it on myself", she said.

They all are surprised to hear that, Anna and Elsa look at each other, "there has to be something", Elsa said, "another way in for all of us".

"Could you just break this boulder?", Kristoff asks.

Ariana look at him, "I'm not taking the risk to collapsing this cave", Ariana point out.

"Guess there's nothing we can do to stop you", Anna said.

Ariana look at her, "I need to restore my eye", she said as she place a hand on the black eye.

"We understand", Elsa said, giving in, "we'll wait for you on the ice castle", she said.

"Alright", Ariana said, she notice Anna is shivering, "you alright Anna?", she asks.

"Cold", Anna said, as she hug herself.

Ariana turn to Kristoff, "how about you Kristoff?", she asks.

Kristoff shiver a little, "don't worry", he said, "I've been dealing with ice for years now".

Ariana smile a little, "Alright then, she said, then she look at Anna, "right, they're normal human", she thought. Ariana take off her cloak and wrap it around Anna.

Anna grip the cloak, "so warm", she said.

"Magical cloak", Ariana said.

"Magic?!", Anna said, surprised.

"I made it myself", Ariana said, "with slight touch of magic". Ariana look at at ice boulder then at her family, "guess I'll see you later".

"Be careful", Elsa said with worried voice.

Ariana smile, "I will", she said. Ariana walk towards the boulder and touch it, with a flash, she's gone.

"Wow", Olaf said, amazed.

"I really wish I had powers like that", Anna said.

Elsa turn to her and place a hand on Anna's shoulder, "even without powers you're already amazing", she said, Anna smile, "let's go then", she said and they all make their way to the Ice palace, waiting for Ariana.

Inside, Ariana open her eyes and see she's already inside the cave. But unlike 8 years ago, this cave is nearly destroyed, everything is just different than what she remember.

Ariana summon a floating ball of light, but it suddenly disappear. Ariana let out a sigh, "damn it", she cursed, "I don't have enough energy", Ariana let out a sigh, then her body flinch and her eyes widen, "what's this feeling?", she thought, "positive and negative".

Ariana look around and see nothing, just huge ice here and there and cracks on it. She take a deep breath and walk towards the balance feelings. The more she walk, the stronger the presence is.

Ariana come across a small cave, she can feel both positive and negative magic in it, and that not everything, she notice a floating book in the middle of the cave, surrounded by black and white aura and blue barrier. She walk closer to it and see the book has a rose symbol with two different colours, on the right is white while on the left is black.

"The book of rose", Ariana whisper in shock, "I found it".

She raise a hand and concentrate her energy to break the barrier, her hand glow then the light fade away. Ariana let out a breath, she try again but it's still the same, she try again and again, but nothing.

Ariana let out a sigh of frustration, her black eyes let out little black aura, "why can't I?", she asks herself. She try one more time, and still nothing, "damn it!", she screamed.

Soon she give up, and sits on the icy ground bringing her knees to her chest, "it's just a waste of time coming here", she said to herself as tears slip down to her cheek, "how can I even save them if I can't undo a simple barrier", she thought, feeling disappointed, "I could have died today if it wasn't for Leo", Ariana remember what happened earlier, Leo transfer his life to her, just to save her.

"You really are a crybaby", a female voice said from behind.

Ariana is surprised, she look behind and see a light figure with brown hair and green eyes, smiling down at her.

"Lynn", she whisper.

Lynn walk up to Ariana and kneel beside her, she notice Ariana's black eye, "what's wrong?", she asks.

Ariana look away, "about 2 days ago, I found out that the darkness of black rose is raging inside me and it try to take over me again", she explains the. she look at the floating book, "and that book will help me get over this and it will give me more information of the black rose".

Lynn look at the book then back at Ariana, "the real reason the darkness try to take over you is not because of its rage-", she said, "-it's because of your rage".

Ariana look at her in shock, "what?", she asks.

"Ari, the darkness feed your rage to become stronger", Lynn explains, "it will continue to do it until the seal I put inside you is broken", she continue.

"Then how should I stop it?", Ariana asks the mage.

"Isn't it obvious", Lynn said, "you need to control your emotions, in other words, you need to stay calm".

"How can I stay calm in a time like this?!", Ariana said, a bit annoyed, "I've been fighting to get clue of where you guys now, the stress, the struggles-".

"-and does anger help?", Lynn cut her off by asking that question.

"No", Ariana answer with a whisper.

Lynn place a hand on Ariana's shoulder, "take your time and don't be so hard on yourself", she said, "me and the others will be waiting for you", she continue, "no matter how long it'll be", she added.

Ariana look at her, she smile and nod, "thank you", she said. Ariana and Lynn get back up, the princess raise both her hand and once again try to break the barrier. Her hands glowed even brighter than before.

Lynn watch her best friend doing her best with a proud smile, "stay calm, focus-", she advised, "-and think of the good memory you made".

Ariana clear her mind and focus on what she's doing. The barrier glowed even brighter and it shattered, Ariana hear it and see the book is flying towards her. Ariana smile with her success, "Lynn, I did it-", she said as she turn around but stop talking when the sight of Lynn is gone. Ariana look at the book, and smile softly, "thanks Lynn", she whisper.

Secret Of The Black Rose (Book 3 / 7)Where stories live. Discover now