Sneaking Out

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Ariana's darkness just fade away when she see the sight of injured Blizzard surrounded by her family. She quickly rush towards the white eagle to check on him.

"We need to get him to Arendelle", Anna said.

Ariana look at her and nodded, then she look at the ice harvester, "Kristoff get the wagon ready", she ordered and Kristoff quickly go into action followed by Sven. "Can you guys take care of him for a while?", she asks her sisters and they nod, Anna carry Blizzard on her arm and waiting for Kristoff.

Ariana get inside the cabin towards Elrik's room once again. She pick up the handwritten journal and the papers that filled with her skills and abilities. Once everything packed, she got outside and saw the wagon is ready, Ariana quickly get inside.

"Sven go!", Kristoff ordered the reindeer, Sven quickly make his way towards Arendelle.

In the middle of the journey back, Anna insist Ariana that she will take care of Blizzard while Ariana make her mind at ease.

"Can you just heal Blizzard with your magic?", Olaf suddenly asks.

Ariana look at him, "I can't", she reply.

"Why?", Olaf asks.

Ariana sigh, "when I snap to reality after that outrage, I must not use this magic on someone-", she explains, "- bacause, the darkmagic will fuse with my magic and if I use it on someone, who knows what happened".

"When will you can use it again?", Elsa asks.

"Few hours for the least", Ariana answer. All of them had awkward silence, "I'm really sorry for all of you need to see that", she apologized, "you nearly got yourselves killed".

"It's not your fault Ariana", Anna assured.

"That's the main reason why I don't want you all to come along", Ariana honestly said, "afraid that I hurt all of you, like last time".

"At least you didn't kill us", Elsa said.

"Well, I nearly killed my friends 8 years ago", Ariana said, remembering that she nearly become a murderer, well to be honest she already a killer, she kill Sora 2 year ago.

"And it's not your fault to begin with", Anna said, "you're just being controlled".

"Yeah, you're right", Ariana said, but deep inside is the opposite, "maybe that's because I'm not strong enough", she thought feeling disappointed in herself.

Soon they reach Arendelle, Blizzard get proper treatment from the vet and Ariana was told that Blizzard will be fine and need a lot of rest. Ariana let Blizzard rest on her bedroom while she sits on a nearby window, reading the journal.

Hard to believe that even in this world there's something magical secretly living on somewhere hidden. For months I've learned this and to know why they're all hiding from us humans.

Are they afraid of us? Are they friends with us if they reveal themselves? Wi they ever trust human?

Many questions run through my mind but nothing is making any sense.

But the most thing that caught my attention is the power of rose, a magical type of flower compare to the normal one.

Ariana is surprised to see and read about magical roses, like her's, yet she keep on reading.

These magical rose are really rare, more rare than any diamond and the book that I wrote myself of what I discover of these rose is hidden somewhere on North mountain.

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