Wizard's Farewell

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Ariana is losing conscious, her body fail her and before she hit the ground, Leo drop his sceptre to catch her.

"Hang on!", he ordered, but Ariana's breathing become weak as time passed by. Leo look up and see Hans is ready to fire another poison dart at him.

Just as he about to blow it, ice spikes appear in front of him, hitting the blowgun, causing it to break in half and fall to the ground.

"What?", Hans whisper in shock as well as Leo. They heard noise and turn to it.

The Arendelle sisters, their friends and several Arendellian soldiers running towards them. Elsa and Anna quickly rush straight to their sister. As they close by, Leo stood up and get few feet away.

"Ariana!", Anna exclaimed, being aware of Ariana's condition. She kneel near Ariana and use her lap as Ariana's pillow.

Elsa kneel in front of the youngest and notice Ariana hardly breathing, she look up at Leo, "what did you do?", she demand.

Leo look at Hans who try to get away from the ice spikes, "how about you asks him", he said.

The guards get him restrain, "you're too late!", Hans said, "the poison already taking over!".

"Poison?!", Kristoff said, shock.

"She's going to die soon!", Hans added.

Anna and Elsa look at each other in worry, "hang in there Ariana!", Elsa said in worried tone, she tightly grip Ariana's hand.

"Even if you manage to get her in the infirmary you still be too late!", Hans continue.

Leo notice the sad faces, for years he made the wrong thing but now he must do at least one right thing, he can heal Ariana but he must use that....

"Not with my help", Leo suddenly said as he made up his mind, all eyes on him, "I can save her".

"How should we trust you?", Anna asks, "you try to kill us the last time we met".

Leo just sigh, "true, and I can't blame you for that", he sigh, "but Ariana's life depends on your choice and trust", he said, "and besides she made me realised of what I did is wrong", he continue, "and I want to make it up, all of it".

Anna and Elsa look at each other, while Kristoff, Sven, Olaf and the guards look at them. Anna and Elsa didn't know what to do, Ariana become more and more difficult to breathe and they noticed that.

Anna nod at the older sister, Elsa turn to Leo, "do it", she said and no one protest to this.

Leo walk up to them and kneel in front of Ariana, "hang in there kid", he said, he raise a hand to grab Ariana's and the joined hands starts to glow green. Leo close his eyes and forces his energy into that glow hand, "how's her pulse?", he asks, still closing his eyes.

Kristoff grab Ariana's other hand and feel her pulse, "it's still weak", he answer.

Leo tensed up hear that, "come on Ariana", he said, "you're his student don't you, even though you hate him- us so much, but you love them don't you", he whisper.

Kristoff can feel her pulse become strong again, "it's normal", he said.

Ariana's breathing become normal again as she starts to wake up. Her eyes flutter open and try to sit straight up, her hand from Kristoff break free and place it on her head, yet her hand with Leo still not.

"What happened?", she whisper.

"It's ok", Anna assured as she place a hand on Ariana's shoulder.

Ariana look at her, then she suddenly feel life energy on her other hand, she look towards Leo and see their hands joined.

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