Changing The Wizard's Heart

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Ariana give the wizard an angry stare and a shaky breath. While Leo glance down at her with cold eyes and face.

"I knew you would come back out here sooner", he said.

Ariana get back up with trembling body, trying to endure the pain of her left leg, "I don't have time to deal with you", she coldly reply, "so out of the way".

Leo didn't react to this, he just stare at the princess, "there's always time to deal with old problems", he said ass his sceptre glow red.

Ariana take a deep breath and take her cloak away, she pull the black rose sword from it's scabbard, then perform her own stance.

Few moments of silence, Ariana's boots starts to glow bright green and she charge at him with her sword ready. Leo block it with his sceptre rod.

Ariana is shock on how strong the sceptre are, "how?", she thought.

Ariana jump back and charge at him again. Leo is ready for any move that will come to him. Just Ariana is close to him, she jump and front flip, high enough to get behind him, but before she land, she tightly grab Leo's sceptre wit her left hand and throw Leo away. Leo fall to the ground hard, before he get back up, Ariana quickly act, stab the ground and focus on Leo, black vines appear and wrap around Leo making him stay in one place.

Before she even manage to command the black rose to bloom, something hit the left side of her neck making her weaken. Ariana fall down to her knees with her hands for support. She raise a hand to touch her left neck, and she pull something small out. When she bring that thing to her face, she realised it was a stun dart, a dart that will make people weak for the matter of time. She look to her left and saw a figure.

The figure walk out of the shadows, revealing himself as Hans. The sight of him making Ariana's eyes widen.

"You're-", before Ariana could finish, Hans cut her off.

"-Prince Hans of The Southern Isles", he finish.

Ariana just stare at him, "Anna told me about you", she said.

Hans give her a grin, "and what did she told you?", he asks.

"Everything", Ariana simply said, "on how you try to kill both my older sisters", she add, feeling angry at the prince that try to murder her family 2 years ago.

Hans just chuckle, "and I failed", he said, "who am i kidding", he laughed, "I just tried to bring justice to this kingdom".

"Save your justice!", Arendelle Princess snap at him.

Hans just look at her coldly, "and what do you know about justice, princess?", he asks.

"Accept someone with good heart", Ariana said firmly, "even though they're different on the outside or someone that possessed magical ability".

Hans stare down at her, "that sister of yours is a monster", he stubbornly said, "if anyone from other kingdom knows this, they'll do everything to erase that even attacking Arendelle", he continues, "and what I did is just to prevent that".

Before Ariana could even snap at him again, she heard vines snap from her front, she look at  it and see Leo is up to his feet, already break free from the vines. Leo walk up towards Ariana slowly.

"It is time to put you into eternal sleep", he said as his sceptre glow red. Ariana is struggling to move, try to get away but the stun dart still affecting her focus.

Hans only look at those two, "you still remember our deal are you?", he asks.

"Of course I am", Leo said without looking at him, "once I deal with her, tomorrow Arendelle will be yours to rule", he assured, Hans just grin of already winning.

Ariana still struggling to get away, she can't let that happen, she can't let Arendelle fall along with her sisters, and being ruled by this heartless man that try to kill her family. She look up to Leo's eyes and notice something. A small feeling of resisting Elrik's order.

"Why are you doing this?", Ariana asks, "what is it that you can accomplish of doing all this?".

Leo stop as he already in front of the princess, "we only want to create a true peace to this world", he answer.

Ariana just gritted her teeth, "then tell me", she begin, "does kidnapping children, taking them away from their family, then inject them with deadly serum that could kill them, had cold training at the very young age, after being old enough put them into eternal sleep just to seal their memory away of who they are and their family and doing all that is just to create a powerful army! Is this is what the meaning of peace to you?!", she harshly asks the wizard as tears starts to form on her eyes. She point all that just as she recall her memory with them 8 years ago.

Leo is taken a back with this question, he never really thought about this at all. He's doing this because he trust Elrik.

When Leo didn't answer Ariana add on something, "plus, does helping this prince that try to kill my family and conquer my home, the peaceful kingdom, peace to you?!", she said, raising her voice.

Leo didn't react to this, "I- I just want to be a true friend to them", he confess, "not doing all this for fun or something".

"A true friend always keep their friends to the right path", Ariana said, "even if it's against them". Leo fall into silence, "did you realise that you try to kill my friend earlier today?", she calmly asks.

Leo remember that he shoot a powerful beam towards the royals but instead a bird take the hit, "I'm sorry", he apologized, he look down at the princess with soft eyes and smile, "thank you", he said, "for snapping me to my senses".

Leo snap, and the stun feelings just disappear from Ariana's body. Ariana got up on her feet, she look at Leo, "Lynn would be proud of you", she said.

Leo nod, he look at Hans, "the deal is off", he said, Hans is shock to hear that, "you're going back to the Southern Isles prison".

Hans manage to overcome his shock, now he's feeling really angry, "I will be king of Arendelle!", he yelled as he load something into the blowgun and aim it at Leo, he bolw it and a dart aimed at the wizard.

The dart is fast, but Ariana is faster, she jump in front of Leo, spreading her arms and the dart hit her front side of her neck. Yet something is different from the last one. Her energy drain fast, her visions blurry and her breathing becomes hard.

Ariana hold where the dart hit her, "poison", she whispers before her body give up and fall down.

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