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The next day, Elsa woke up by the light rays come through the window, she sit straight up and notice everyone still sleeping, but as she look around, the sight of Ariana is nowhere to be found. She got up and walk over to the Anna, who's still sleeping.

"Anna wake up", Elsa said as she shook her sister.

Anna starts to groan, "5 more minutes", she said.

Elsa just chuckle, "come on", she said, then walk towards the boys, "Olaf, Kristoff wake up", she said as she shook them both.

Kristoff starts to wake up, "it's morning already?", he groan and got up.

Olaf yawn, "that was a nice sleep", he said and got up as well.

Surprisingly, Anna manage to wake up early today. She look around and notice the youngest sister not here, "where's Ariana?", she asks.

Kristoff, Olaf and Sven look around until they hear a female voice that they all recognise, "maybe outside", Kristoff said.

All 5 of them got out and see Ariana had her hand to hand combat fighting stance with her back on them and in front of her is long thick log.

They look at Ariana and notice she's breathing heavily, "how long she's been doing that?", Anna asks.

"No idea", Elsa reply.

Ariana take a deep breath to calm herself while staring at the log, her right boot starts to glow red and focus her energy there. She raise the right leg high and round kick the log, in few seconds the log was cut into two, making the sound of gasp from 3 people and a snowman and shock reindeer. The lower one fall, while the upper one fly up. Ariana raise her left hand and bring it close to her face while the other one stretch straight pointing at the flying log.

Balls of lights appear in her left hand in each of her fingers, "fire!", Ariana command, the balls blast off towards the log, but missed. That makes Ariana's eyes widen a little. The log hit the ground, the princess just stare at the log and sigh, "again!", she said, annoyed as she sit on the ground, "really wish Lynn and Oli are here", she thought, needing Lynn's help with the magic and Oliza's help with aiming skills.

The others who saw everything are speechless, seeing the princess of Arendelle cut a thick log on half with single kick. It's the first time the older sisters see that in years.

Anna smile, "that's our sister over there", she said.

Elsa also smile, "yeah", she agreed.

Ariana look to her side and notice that her family are watching, she got up on her feet, "did I wake you up?", she asks, feel a bit guilty, "I'm so sorry", she quick apologize.

"No you're not", Elsa assure and Ariana let out a breath.

"How long have you doing that?", Olaf suddenly asks.

Ariana look at him, "do what?", she asks.

"You know, that kicking and stuff", Kristoff said, looking at bunch of logs on the ground.

Ariana look at what he's looking and finally realised what they meant, "oh um-", she said, "-before sunset", she answer, "about 4 in the morning", she added.

All 3 of them had eyes widen, "4 am?!", Anna exclaimed, in surprised.

Ariana had confuse face, "well yeah", she said.

"Aren't you tired?", Elsa asks.

"Nope", Ariana answer, "I've been doing this in like more than 5 years now", she said remembering it just her routine as Elrik's student, "so it natural for me".

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