Journey Of Old Memory

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The next morning, Ariana didn't bother to use an eye patch on, it's just make her hard to see. She and the others had to prepare their journey to the south. Ariana help Kristoff prepare the wagon.

"Where are Anna, Elsa and Olaf?", Ariana asks, looking around, realising it's only her, Kristoff and Sven around.

"Olaf help Anna prepare the food", Kristoff said, "and Elsa make sure Kai know on what he must do". Kristoff can see the bothering look on Ariana's face, "you ok?", he asks.

Ariana look at him, "yeah", she simply said and look at the ground.

Kristoff could definitely tell something is bothering her, "I know you're not", he said, he place a hand on Ariana's shoulder, "you can tell me what's wrong".

Ariana look at him and smile, then she look back at the ground, "it's just seeing you and Anna together remind me of someone", she said.

"Someone huh?", Kristoff asks then he know what she really mean, "you'll see him again", he assure, "as well as the rest".

Ariana look at him and smile, "thank you Kristoff", she said, "really want you to be big brother-in-law", she said.

Kristoff's face turn red, "o-oh um", he didn't know what to say, "can you keep a secret", he said.

"Not a word to anyone", Ariana assure.

Kristoff lean closer to Ariana, "I'm saving money to buy a special ring", he whisper to her.

Ariana's eyes widen, "really?", she ask not believing, Kristoff's nod already assure her, "you have my early blessing", she said.

"Really?", Kristoff asks.

"Yeah", Ariana said, "just don't hurt her in any kind of ways", she said, "if you do, I'm not hesitate to trap you in a cave full of hungry dark magic", she warned as she stare at him with her black right eye.

Kristoff laugh nervously, "don't worry", he said, "I'll take good care of her until my last breath", he assure.

Ariana proudly smile at him, "that's exactly what I wanna hear", she said and Kristoff smile.

Just then, Elsa, Anna and Olaf walk towards them with a bag full of enough food, "hey guys", Olaf greet.

"What you guys talking about?", Anna asks.

"Oh we're just-", Kristoff nervously said.

Ariana could tell he's not good at lying, "-we're just talking that he just need to follow my magic to get to the cabin", she cut him off.

"Oh, that's great", Anna said, "let's go then", she said as she get to the wagon along with Olaf and Elsa.

Kristoff look at Ariana with amaze look on how she skillfully lie, Ariana look at him and wink her right eye then get to the wagon. Kristoff chuckle at his future little sister-in-law and drive the wagon.

They start their journey to South with the help of Ariana's ball of light to lead Sven to the right direction.

Ariana sit quietly, looking at her side to see the beautiful nature and breath the fresh air while the other busy talking about random stuff.

"Ariana", Olaf called earning her attention, "I wanna hear your adventure back then", he said.

"Oh", is all Ariana could say with that sudden topic.

"Yeah", Anna agreed, "you never told us before", she said, "I'm sure there's a good time you had in that 2 years".

"I would love to hear it", Elsa also join in.

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