A Promise To Fulfill

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Ariana look at the book, "I should get out of here", she thought as she let out a breath and the book disappear from her hand. She walk towards where she came from and teleport herself out.

Once she's out of the cave, she notice that it's about sunrise to come. Ariana's body starts to glow and levitate from the ground, the princess knew where she must go now.

Ariana fly a bit up towards Elsa's ice castle to meet her family. Soon enough she reach the ice castle's balcony and she saw the others are sleeping peacefully.

Ariana smile at them and land down to the icy floor, she look out at the night sky, "few hours sleep should do for now", she thought. The princess decide to stay awake for now.

Few hours later......

"Guys wake up", the sound of childlike said, causing all of them starts to groan.

"Morning already?", Elsa asks as she sits straight up, she look out through the balcony and see the sun is raising.

"Morning", Anna groan, surprisingly wake up early.

"Good morning", the sound of Ariana said, they look around and notice Ariana is sitting on the balcony ice rail with her legs crossed and her head turn to them, "have a nice sleep?", she asks.

They all look at her in surprise, "Ariana you're back", Anna said, staring at the youngest.

"Few hours ago", Ariana said look back at the scenery.

Anna and Elsa walk up to Ariana, "don't lean forward too much", Elsa said, being protective, "you might fall".

Ariana just chuckle, "don't worry", she said, "even from this height is not enough to take me down", she confidently assured.

Anna chuckle at her little sister words, "don't be over confident", she said. Ariana look at her and smile, but Anna's face is in shock, "Ariana!", she exclaimed.

Ariana and Elsa jump, "what?!", Ariana asks, surprised.

Anna point at Ariana's right eye, "your eye", she said, and turn her face to excitement, "it's blue again".

Ariana place a hand on the right eye, Elsa create a mirror and hand it over to Ariana. Ariana grab it and see her face on the mirror, Anna's right, her eye already turn back to normal.

"Wow", Ariana said as she place a finger under the right eye, "didn't realize that".

"So how's the cave?", Anna asks.

"It's still there thank goodness", Ariana answer, "just nearly destroyed".

"Guess this journey worth it", Elsa said.

"Yes-", Ariana said, remembering Lynn's help back there, "-yes it is".

Suddenly they heard groan behind them, they look back and notice Olaf is waking the ice harvester and the reindeer. Olaf hit Kristoff with his carrot nose forcing Kristoff to wake up.

"Alright I'm up", Kristoff said, annoyed and the three sisters just laugh at the 3 boys.

Soon enough they make their way back to Arendelle and continue their day as normal. Hans get send back to Southern Isles and Elsa want his father to make sure to keep full eye on him.

Ariana get inside her room reading the book that holds the information of roses powers.

There are 2 types of magical rose and both these roses may have the same appearance but they have different powers.

One is the power of darkness which need to be aware of. These dark rose or now they called 'the black rose', is full of dark magic and they will try to take over the victim's body to destroy their surroundings. For those who managed to overcome the darkness, still, they must not let their guard down even a moment. The rose is responding to the victim's emotions instead. Sadly, I don't really know much about this and what it may capable of.

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