Flying Partner Return

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When they saw the cabin that nearly overrun by nature, they hardly believe this is the place where Ariana been taken long ago. Kristoff lead Sven to the side of the cabin to park the wagon, while the other 4 walk up to the front door with Ariana on the front and soon Kristoff and Sven join in along with the supplies.

Ariana raise a trembling hand towards the door knob but stop feeling hesitate and hardened her eyes as the old memory flood in.

Anna and Elsa place a hand on both Ariana's shoulder making the youngest princess flinch, "it's gonna be ok", Anna assure, "we're here".

Ariana look at Anna and nodded, "yeah", she whisper. She take a deep breath and finally reach the door knob, with little confident she open the door, revealing a wooden made chairs and a table in front of a fireplace and few doors.

"Oh my", Kristoff suddenly said.

"Come on it's nearly night", Ariana said as she get inside follow by the others.

The young queen and the younger princess prepare their dinner and the 2 boys prepare the table. Meanwhile, Ariana come light up the fireplace, she raise up a hand creating small balls of light in each of the 5 fingers, she aim her hand towards the dry wood and the balls fly towards it creating fire. Soon enough they had dinner and after, they having a good rest.

"Can't believe this is where you were being kept", Kristoff said.

"Well, we're not allowed to leave that room after training", Ariana said as she points at the dark wooden door to their left, "after training, we had dinner there and the door were locked", she explains, causing all of them had surprised look.

"That's awful", Anna said.

Ariana just weakly chuckle, "I'm being held", she said, "it's not like it's a good memory either". Ariana starts to frown, "I'm not sure to go in there or not".

"Your choice", Elsa said.

Ariana look at her and smile, "you know what", she said, "maybe a look would do". Ariana got up and walk towards her's and her friends' old room. Surprisingly it's not locked, inside there are 6 small beds, a wooden table and chairs and a wooden cabinet.

Looking at all this making her smile. Ariana can feel that the others are behind her looking at the empty room that used to be Ariana's room.

"Welcome to my old room", Ariana said as she get inside.

Olaf look around and notice a picture, he grab it and look at the picture of 13 years old Ariana and 2 girls, "Ariana", he called, Ariana look at him, "who's this?", he asks as he show Ariana the picture.

Ariana lower her body, leveling the small snowman, she look at the picture and smile as she remember that moment, Lynn use her magic to capture this moment while Oliza back hugging Ariana and the 3 girls smile.

"These 2 are my best friends", Ariana said.

The others hear that, "I wanna see", Anna said as she kneel other side of Olaf and look at the picture and join by Elsa.

"What are their names?", Elsa asks.

"This is Oliza", Ariana introduce as she point at the blonde hair girl, "and this is Lynn", she said as she point at the brown hair girl, "we were celebrating my birthday that time", she said, "but the boys cannot celebrate that time due to something", she explains, "but they still wish me happy birthday though".

Anna, Elsa and Olaf smile, "They really are good friends", Elsa said.

Ariana smile, "they are and always will be", she said, feeling proud.

Kristoff walk around and spot a wooden detailed sword place near the bed, "wow", he said, amazed as he grab the wooden sword to look it even clearly, "nice", he simply said.

Ariana look at him and smile of seeing the sword, "careful with that", she said as she got up follow by the older sisters, "that belong to my boyfriend", she said.

Kristoff look at her with surprise look, "o-oh, I'm sorry", he said as he place the sword back down.

Ariana just chuckle, "it's fine", she assure walking towards the blonde guy, "as long as you don't break it".

"Is there any picture of your boyfriend here", Elsa tease and playfully smirk at her sister, "I wanna see him".

"Yeah", Anna also join in to tease, "I also want to see him"

Ariana just chuckle and her face turn slightly red, "maybe another time", she said.

"Hello there", Olaf voice suddenly be heard. They all look at Olaf who is looking at the window, all 5 of them including the reindeer look at each other with confuse look, then back at the snowman

"Who are you talking to Olaf?", Anna asks, looking at him.

Olaf look back at his friends, "just talking to this fella over here", he answer.

"Who?", Elsa asks.

Olaf move his body, revealing a white big bird on the other side of the window. The sight of the animal making Ariana's eyes widen and her jaw drop.

"A bird", Kristoff said.

"Blizzard!", Ariana exclaimed happily, she rush towards the window. All of them look at her with stunt look.

"What just?" Kristoff asks, still not getting what's going on.

Ariana open the window and letting the white eagle in. Blizzard fly around, "it's good to see you again, "she said, looking at the excited bird. Blizzard land on Ariana's shoulder. She gently stroking Blizzard's head, "how're you doing?", she playfully ask even though the White eagle can't speak, "I miss you so much".

The others still had confuse look while looking on what just happened, "what the?", Kristoff asks.

Ariana look at them, "oh right", she said and walk towards them, "you guys remember I said that I had pet friend earlier", she question them, they nod, "well this is the one", she said as she point at Blizzard, "meet Blizzard, the white eagle", she introduced.

Blizzard look at them, "is he tamed?", Kristoff asks.

Ariana look at him, "of course he is", she assured, "need a demonstration?", she asks, smirking. Ariana raise an arm and Blizzard move towards the raised arm, then Ariana walk to nearby table to set Blizzard down, the eagle move towards the table, "stay", she ordered. Ariana walk towards Kristoff while Blizzard stay as he been told.

Kristoff starts to get nervous, "Ariana what are doing?", he asks, getting more nervous.

Ariana stand beside Kristoff, "you'll see", she said and look at Blizzard, she gently whistle caught Blizzard's attention and look at his saviour. Ariana raise a hand and points it at Kristoff's shoulder. Blizzard open up both his wings, then fly towards whare her finger tip are and land on Kristoff's shoulder.

Kristoff had goosebumps, "oh my!", he gasp.

Ariana strokes Blizzard's head, "good boy", she said gently, "hungry?", she asks the white bird, "let's get you something to eat", she said then look at the others, "you guys can sleep here if you want, just don't break anything". Ariana walk out with Blizzard fly from behind.

The rest just look at her leaving, "well, that was something", Olaf said, "well, goodnight guys", he said as he lie down on one of the beds, soon as well as the others on different beds.

On the living room, Ariana give Blizzard some small fish for him. She look at the nearby window while Blizzard starts eating. Ariana just sigh, "I just need more clue", she whispers, then turn to Blizzard, "also need to be stronger".

Ariana notice a hanging mirror and walk towards it, she just stare at the right black eye, now feeling a bit scared that once again take over her body just like last time, but this time there's no old friends that will help her, only family that she hope not to see her on rampage.

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