Chapter 3: And you're watching disney channel

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"Hey y'all wanna be in my new tiktok?" I asked, sliding into the room (literally) on my socks.

"Sure!" Wanda said. "Anyone else?" I asked. "I'd like to join Lady Cherry on making this tiktok she speaks of." Thor said, getting up from his chair. "Alright guys so it's gonna be a dance. It's super easy so let me teach you it real fast and then we'll film." I explained and taught them the dance.

I set the timer and it started recording, playing the music. We did the dance and the video turned out perfectly. "Thanks guys!" I exclaimed. Natasha gave me a warning look. "Don't worry, my account is private only my friends see it." I explained.

"Well, ex friends now." I muttered under my breath. Natasha was going to the court later today to get full custody of me. And I had to go. I didn't want to get dressed up and go into a courthouse on this fine Saturday but whatever.

"You can find me in the space between!" I sang a song from descendants 2. I heard a knock on my door and paused my song, looking to see Natasha, leaning against the door frame.

"Hey, so get ready we're leaving in 30 minutes." She said. I nodded and she left. I got in a black dress with my hair in a low ponytail. I looked in the mirror and sighed. I was hoping to walk out of that courthouse with a mom. I wanted to call Natasha mom this past week but it didn't feel right when she wasn't my legal guardian.

We all piled into two cars and guess what? I was stuck between Thor and Steve, the two biggest people. "It's getting a little hard to breathe guys, you're squishn' me." I said. "Sorry, I can't move any further." Steve apologized.

"Who decided this seating arrangement? It sucks." I said.

"I don't know, I think Tony did." Thor mumbled, trying not to fall asleep. Apparently he stayed up too late last night doing whatever the hell the god of thunder does when he's up late.

"I wanna sit next to Wandaaaa." I whined.


The court hearing went well, considering the fact that I have no other relatives that are either alive or in state. I walked out of there with a new mom. And I couldn't be happier.

"Let's go out to eat to celebrate!" I exclaimed, jumping around like a little kid on Christmas. The team all chuckled at my behavior, clearly all happy for me. We are at my favorite restaurant, Red Robin.

"Cheers to Cherylynn and Natasha!" Steve said and we all clinked our glasses while saying "yay!"

We stayed there for a while and I was getting tired. I straight up started falling asleep in the loud restaurant, my phone not even being able to keep me up.

Natasha- sorry, my mom shook me lightly. I looked up to see her. "Don't go to sleep at the dinner table sweety, come one let's get you home." She said, helping me stand up.

"I'll go home with you guys." I heard Steve say. My mom nodded and they walked me out to the car. I laid in the backseat, curling up and indulging myself in a deep slumber.

This felt...right. I had a family, a functioning one at that. Natasha and Steve were like my parents. Steve was a lot better dad than my past dad was. Natasha...didn't have much to compare her to because my mom passed when I was 5 I barely remember her.

I was so comfortable calling Natasha mom, and Steve dad at this point. Because it's almost my way of coping. To just move on fast and not look back. Maybe that's unhealthy, I don't know.


I felt someone carrying me from the car into the tower. I was conscious at this point but kept my eyes shut, trying the good ole 'I will pretend to be asleep so they'll carry me' trick.

I was tucked into bed and felt Natasha put a kiss on my forehead. "Goodnight darling." She said before turning out the light and closing the door.

Third person POV:

Natasha and Steve collapsed on the couch with a sigh. "You know, you seem to be a pretty good dad to Cherry." Natasha smirked. Steve playfully rolled his eyes. "Well you're a good mom, and I don't know if she sees me as a dad." He said.

"Oh she does, remember when she accidentally called you dad? When you gave her those Oreos and she said 'thanks dad'."

"I guess, heard her father wasn't that good to her wasn't he?"

"Yeah...he became a slobbish alcoholic. She said he wasn't really around besides teaching her self defense combat."

"The makes me think how much I want to show her what a good father can be like."

"Then you should. Honestly, if you're up for it we could be her parents. I mean we aren't married but we are together nonetheless." Natasha put her hand over his as she spoke.

"Yeah, we should."


Cherylynn POV:

I woke up well rested so I played some music and danced around my room for a bit. I was also really excited because my birthday was two weeks away.

Can't wait to have cake. (Hey that rhymed)

"I forgot that you existed!" I sang.

I went downstairs to eat breakfast and everyone was already there before me except half of them were hung over. "Looks like you guys had a rough night, you all look like shit."

"Language!" Steve scolded.

"Shut up old man." I chuckled playfully.

"Yeah well that's thanks to Thor's asguardian alcohol." Clint groaned.

"Thor brought alcohol to the restaurant?" Natasha asked.

"Um...yes." Thor answered nervously.

"With a 15 year old kid now, my kid. If you all had gotten drunk around her that would've not been good." Natasha said.

I chuckled lightly at her care for me before eating some watermelon.

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