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I immediately felt the Autumn breeze as I stepped off the stuffy plane. Finally stretching my legs, I stepped into the crowded airport, possessively tugging my bag behind me. I watched as families reunited; others walking off to their private chauffeurs holding signs with their names written in big bold letters.

I didn't have anyone waiting for me.

I walked along the airport hallway, dodging people as I stared down at my phone to text my mom.

Celeste: just landed!

Mum: Good 2 hear! Love u

I smiled down at my phone as I continued walking to the pick-up area. As I exited the airport, I wrapped my thick cardigan tighter around myself. It was colder than I anticipated. I looked around at the pick-up signs posted along the sidewalk. None of them looked familiar, until my eyes landed on a big sign that said Sorbonne Université, along with many young adults crowded around the post. I quietly joined the group, leaning against the wall as I waited for the bus.

After about 10 minutes in the frigid air, the coach bus finally pulled up. The crowd assembled itself into a line, and we all began showing the bus driver our ticket to the school while another man loaded the bus with our luggages. I passively followed everyone onto the bus, quickly picking out an empty seat as I got on. As I waited on the bus, I popped my AirPods into my ear, not wanting to converse with others.

The rest of the day was pretty much like that. Alone. Once we got to the university, we were shown to our dorms, and then given free time to do as we pleased before the official first day of school. I noticed that I didn't have a dorm mate, so I set up the entire room to my liking. I enjoyed all the space, and the solitude. I was looking forward to making friends, but no one I'd have to live with.

It took a couple of hours for me to unpack. I decided to explore the building after I finished setting up my dorm. I noticed that there was a common space for the kitchen, living room, and laundry - a space to share with other students that were staying in other dorms. I continued around the building and noticed winding stairs going up the building. Out of curiosity, I began climbing up the stairs. It was only a few flights up, maybe five, but nothing too bad on my lungs. At the top, there was a door that said Ne Pas Entrer, which I assumed meant Do Not Enter. I entered anyway.

The door led to a small concrete room with a ladder on the opposing wall protruding straight up to a latch door on the ceiling. I smirked to myself as I began climbing the ladder, excited for an adventure. As I rested on the top of the ladder, I used both hands to unscrew the latch door, and push it open with all my strength. The cold French air stormed through my hair and cheeks, causing goosebumps on my arms. I began climbing out onto what I assumed was the rooftop. There was nothing up there except a gorgeous view of the Eiffel Tower. I smiled to myself, knowing that I found the spot for my semester abroad.

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welcome to my story, thanks for coming by and reading!

ik this first chapter is super boring, but i promise that the story picks up in chapter 2! i just wanted to set the scene for this chapter lol

i hope you guys enjoy it, i have so much planned for this fanfic and i'm super excited to write it!

i mentioned before but i want to mention again, this story is inspired by a novel called Again, but Better, written by Christine Riccio. if you're into novels then check it out! i really loved it.

anyways, thanks again for coming by and reading! hope you enjoy :)

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