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This never happens. I never wake up before my alarm. But today I was excited- my heart fluttered at the thought of having breakfast with Celeste. My alarm was set to go off at 6:30, but I woke up at 5:58. I couldn't go back to sleep.

I decided to start getting ready for the day. I quickly took a shower and brushed my teeth before choosing a laid-back outfit and blow drying my hair. I dressed in my usual black skinny jeans, a forest green hoodie, and my lace up Vans. I contemplated on whether or not I should go to Celeste's so early, but I decided in favour of it.

I sleepily walked through the dorm building and over to Celeste's dorm. By the time I arrived and knocked on her door, it was around 6:40; I was twenty minutes early. To my surprise, the door swung open, revealing a tired Celeste in her pyjamas and a cushy bath robe.

"Calum? You're early." Celeste groaned as she rubbed her eyes tiredly.

I frowned, "Sorry, I can come back later."

"No," She argued as she gently took my hand and guided me inside. I closed the door after I entered, and slipped off my shoes.

"Can you wash the berries while I get ready?" She asked. I nodded in response and watched as Celeste ventured off into the hallway that lead to her bedroom.

Just as Celeste asked, I soaked strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries in a bowl filled with cold water. As the berries were soaking, I popped 3 croissants into the toaster oven and set them to toast while I boiled hot water in case Celeste wanted tea or coffee. The croissants finished toasting, and I spread a thin layer of butter on each of them before placing them on a plate. After letting the berries soak for a while, I took them out of the ice bath and placed them in a separate, dry bowl. Just as breakfast was almost ready, Celeste came out of her room dressed in sweatpants and a hoodie, looking comfier than I was.

"Good morning sleepyhead." I chuckled as I watched her sluggishly walk over to me.

"Why are you here so early." Celeste whined as she took a seat at the breakfast bar.

"To make you breakfast! You bought the food, so I made it." I smiled sheepishly as I placed the plate of croissants and berries in front of her.

"Aw," She smiled, "Cal, you didn't have to."

"It's okay. Do you want tea or coffee?" I asked.

"Coffee, please."

I nodded in response and grabbed 2 cups out of the pantry. I grabbed the instant coffee, took some spoonfuls, and placed them into the mugs before filling it with hot water.

"Creamer in mine, please." Celeste called out as she munched on the berries. I nodded as I took the creamer out of the fridge and filled both cups with creamer. Just as I was making coffee, a couple of boys exited from their bedrooms, startling us.

"I know it's a little expensive, but I think it's worth it. I mean- I guess you could tour France on your own, but a tour guide just makes things so much easier." I heard one of the boys say as they exited the dorm.

"Hm, tour de France? Sounds fun." Celeste said as she began munching on the flaky croissant.

"I guess- but organized tours aren't authentic. If I were to tour France, I'd do it on my own."

"I like the way you think, Hood. We should do it." She smiled.

I raised an eyebrow at her as I began eating a strawberry. "You wanna tour France on our own? We don't have money."

"I'm sure we'll find a way. Besides, it's only an idea. We still have months left here, we have so much time to plan it out. Maybe by then, we'd have more friends to come with us." She smiled.

I shrugged. As much as I wanted to make friends here in France, I liked that it was just Celeste and I in our own world.

"Anyway, Cal, thank you for the breakfast. But we should start heading to class now."


After breakfast with Celeste, we went our separate ways as we headed to class. I so badly  wanted to text her throughout the day, but we have yet to exchange phone numbers. So I went about boring school as I normally did. I was alone, talking occasionally with classmates.

"Our first big project is coming up. I want you all to start thinking about who you'd like to partner with." Our professor announced as he explained the timeline of the course so far.

I sighed. I didn't want to be partnered with anyone but Celeste. Sadly, she was in a completely different program. Due to me waking up so damn early, I found myself dozing off to sleep in class, falling in and out of consciousness often.

A tap on my shoulder startled me away, and I quickly whipped my head around to see who tapped me. My eyes landed on a shy guy who was watching me with a concerned expression.

"Uh- sorry. The professor just said that we should become acquainted with our neighbours because we're gonna be partners." The boy admitted quietly.

I tried my best not to roll my eyes in annoyance, "Okay. My name is Calum."


After class was finally over for the day, I didn't hesitate to make my way to the rooftop. As much as I wanted to see Celeste there, I mainly went because I was feeling stressed out and I needed an escape. It was bittersweet when I arrived at the roof and saw it was empty.

I sighed as I took my usual seat on the roof, beside the area where Celeste normally sat.

That night, Celeste didn't join me on the roof.

I was alone the whole night.

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