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The bright sun peaked through my curtains, shining on my closed eyelids. I groaned as I pulled my blanket over my face, wanting the darkness to last longer. I waited for my dreadful alarm to ring throughout the room before I got up, leaving my warm bed and pressing my feet against the cold hardwood floors. I sighed as I headed to my bathroom, commencing the day.

After taking a shower, I chose a simple outfit. Baggy mom jeans paired with a black square neck tank top and a black zip-up sweater on top. I slipped on my Nike Air Forces and swung my backpack over my shoulder before leaving my dorm. I anxiously walked around campus as I looked for my first class. I double checked that I had the correct building before looking for the room number.

The rest of the day consisted of me aimlessly looking for my classes, and being introduced to my professors and other classmates that I didn't care for. No offence. Studying abroad, so far, was hecking boring. The six hour school day felt more like 16 hours, it was excruciatingly slow.

"Okay class, I know that for some of you - this is your final class for today. I wanted to announce that in the University Centre, we will be hosting a welcome party for everyone to attend! There will be live music, a buffet, and a chance to meet your peers!" The professor announced.

I sighed. Oh god, not an event where I have to be extroverted.

My final class had ended after all the announcements, and I eagerly ran out of the large classroom and into the crowded hallways. Many people were transitioning classes while others were leaving campus to go about the rest of their day. I was lucky enough to be one of those people. I headed for my dorm, eager climb into my cozy bed and fall back into a restful slumber. But as I entered my dorm, my heart fluttered with passion; I was in France. Was I really going to stay in my dorm all day?

My heart had other plans.

I packed a medium sized canvas, some paints, and multiple sized brushes into my backpack, before leaving my dorm and heading for the staircase that led to the roof. Once I was there, I took my place on the roof and unpacked all my art supplies. I took a good look at the Eiffel Tower before sketching my initial outline.

Night quickly fell upon me, and I was still lost in the painting. I had just finished the outline and began laying on paints when the sound of someone climbing up the ladder startled me. I jumped at the sound and quickly turned to look at the intruder, only to come face-to-face with a tanned skin, dark-haired boy. He blushed lightly as he looked at me, before climbing onto the roof and turning his attention to the opposing side. I shrugged and turned my attention back to my painting, ignoring the hot boy that just interrupted me.

We had been alone for about two minutes, but I could feel his glare burn my insides the entire time. I quickly snapped my head to look at him, only to see him avert his attention away from me just as quickly.

"Can I help you?" I snapped.

The boy gulped as his eyes flickered back at me, "Sorry- I was just admiring the view."

"Really? Cause it felt a lot like you were staring at me." I hissed with raised eyebrows.

"Uh- I didn't mean to. I just- uh- really like your painting." He muttered as he brought a hand to scratch the back of his neck, obviously uncomfortable.

I sighed at his comment and softened my behaviour towards him, "Thanks."

"You're- uh- really talented." He commented.

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