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The frigid sun illuminate my papers as I studied on a picnic table outside. I'm not sure why I chose to study outside, even after experiencing how truly cold it got. I was listening to slow jazz music through my AirPods as I concentrated on the papers in front of me.

After a while, the cold breeze started to get to me; I packed up my papers before heading back into the school building. I decided to take a stroll through the halls to become acquainted with the university, as I had yet had the opportunity to show myself around. The corridors were wide, with large windows that looked out at the general outdoor space, bringing in a lot of natural light. The walls were lined with art, and the aroma of fresh baked goods from the on-campus café filled the air.

As I continued walking, a different sound caught my attention. It was the fuzzy sound of an instrument playing through padded walls. I immediately distinguished a tune over the sound of scattered chatter, and followed the music through the halls. The room was not far, hence why I heard it so easily. I stood outside the door, almost pressing my ear against the barrier as I tried to listen to whomever was inside.

"I was already missing before the night I left. Just me and my shadow, and all of my regrets." I heard the oddly familiar voice sing paired with a soft acoustic guitar accompaniment.

"Who am I? Who am I? When I don't know myself. Who am I? Who am I? Invisible." The velvety voice sung once again.

"Damn," I muttered almost a little too loudly. My heart stopped as the music from inside the room came to a halt. Shit, I just outed myself. Out of panic, I quickly walked away and turned the corner before I heard the door open. Luckily, I was already out of sight.


That night, I found refuge on the roof of the building. I wore a thick hoodie and brought a blanket in order to keep myself warm. I decided not to paint that night and to just enjoy the scenery and serenity. As I watched the busy streets before me, I hummed the tune that I heard earlier.

"Where did you hear that from?" A voice startled me. I jumped as I turned to look at who ambushed me, seeing the familiar hot boy climbing onto the roof.

"Oh, I heard it from someone in the music room today. I thought those rooms were soundproof, but I guess not very well." I chuckled.

Calum claimed the seat beside me as he spoke, "Were they any good?"

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Like did they sing well? Or did you think it was a good song?" He asked.

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