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The next day, I couldn't keep Calum off my mind. The night before felt so blissful, and I wanted to feel that way again. But I didn't get any of his contact information, I only knew his name.

With every classroom I was in, I looked for him. Every corner I turned, I hoped to see him amongst the crowd. But throughout the day, he was nowhere to be seen. I remembered he mentioned that he was an architecture major, so it's possible that his classes were in an entirely different building, and I was riding on my very last hope of spontaneously seeing him.

But after classes that day, I didn't go to the roof to see if he was there. I didn't want to seem desperate for him. After all, we only met last night.

I changed out of my school clothes and into something more comfortable. I sported my favourite pair of sweat pants, and a matching tank top and cardigan set. I sighed and sat on my bed and thought about what to do, what could make me spontaneously bump into Calum? I decided not to overthink- if I ended up seeing him, I ended up seeing him. Instead, I focused on the errands I needed to run. Groceries was one of them. I finally left my dorm after making my mind up, and ventured into the kitchen - which was a common area. Thankfully, no one where there.

I took a look in the fridge and pantries to see what I needed to buy for myself, and made a list. I also added some organizing boxes to seclude my items from items that belonged to others who shared the kitchen. Satisfied with my list, I googled the closest grocery store before slipping on my Air Forces and heading out. 

France felt very pedestrian friendly. The cobblestone sidewalks were wide enough for pedestrians and cyclists, and not many cars were driving down the streets. The lights were bright around the city, so I had no doubts about my safety, even though the hour was nearing nightfall.

As I was passing campus, I heard a hesitant voice call out to my direction.


The familiar voice stopped me in my tracks, and my heart almost skipped a beat. I turned on my heels towards the direction of the voice, and saw the hot shaggy haired boy, Calum Hood, sitting on a bench close to the sidewalk. I smiled as I scanned the laid-back, comfy look he was sporting that day.

"I didn't catch your name."

I giggled at his words, reflecting the ones I called out to him the previous night. "Come, and you'll find out."

With my response, I resumed my stroll toward the grocery store. I heard Calum shuffle as he collected his things and ran after me, tripping on his own shoes along the way. I felt his warmth radiate off his body as he walked beside me

"Where are we going?" He asked.

"Grocery shopping." I smiled.

"So you're taking me grocery shopping just so you can tell me your name?" Calum asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Exactly. I've never been outside of campus by myself, and I'm not starting now." I announced.

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