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Harry Styles

I've unfortunately not seen Penelope in a few days, and Bondy hasn't seen Sarah because the two of them have become best friends, and apparently the process of getting ready for the premier takes days.

However the day has come and in a matter of an hour or two, Penelope and I will be walking that red carpet and everyone will be looking at her. Luckily for me, we were invited as a pair so she's technically mine for the night. The company we're going with bought the hotel rooms for us, Penelope and I are next door and knowing she's at the other side of the wall almost ready fills me with nerves.

Perfect Penny made a good choice in colour, this is up there with one of the best suits I've ever seen in my life. I've got a gold tie, gold detailing sewn into the sleeves, pant legs and on the collar of the shirt too. I had black boots with some gold on them too, and my tie I've never felt better.

Teresa, or Tessa, whatever the lady 's name is that did my hair did a great job. I didn't even know I needed to get it done but she did something and now it looks great. These pictures from this carpet better be good because with a suit like this, I'd gladly frame them around my house. Not that I'm self obsessed.

"Just your tie and you're all set, Mr Styles." Smiled the stylist, walking over to me holding the golden tie which matches all the fine detailing on the suit.

"Oh erm, leave it off for now, please." I said quickly, holding my hand out so I could take the tie and stuff it into my pocket. "Thanks, it's just erm. I like putting it on last minute you know...yeah."

"No problem." She said, nodding her head.

I looked over at my manager Gary, he squinted his eyes at me like he knew what I was up to, but he never said anything, he wouldn't. I want Penelope to tie my tie, at this point, it's a good luck token. Besides maybe it'll give me a minute or two alone with her tonight, it doesn't seem like I'll be getting many of those this evening.

Once everyone cleared out my hotel room it was just Gary and I. I lit a cigarette, and he snatched it out of my hands straight away, apparently I'm not allowed to smoke in here which I was unaware of. Pacing back and forth, I was just waiting for him to finally say penelopes ready so I can make a quick detour through to her room, get her to tie my tie and maybe even get a smile or two.

"So, how's the kids?" I asked him, staring out the window as Gary sat on one of the arm chairs playing with his thumbs.

"Meredith asked if you said sorry to your friend the other day, you know when you barged and told them your relationship issues." Gary chuckled, "I told her you did by the way."

"I did! Penny's my best friend now Gary," I told him with a smirk on my face. "Best friends I tell you."

"That's it? Just Friends?" Gary scoffed, mocking me.

"Not just friends Gary," I shook my head, "best friends."

He shook his head, and then the phone rang. My heart dropped as I spun round with excitement praying it was us being told penelopes ready and I can go and see her. Gary answered it, and yet I couldn't figure out what it was the phone call was about.

As soon as he set the phone down I asked him what it was about, he tried to be funny and say it was room service, and I hate that I fell for it. I hate that hearing I couldn't go and see Penelope right this very put me in a foul mood and made me disappointed. I also hate that the second he confirmed I could go and see her, my heart skipped a beat and I had to fight the urge to cheer and kiss Gary as if it was his miracle that's allowing me to hurry next door to see her.

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