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Harry Styles

Fucks sake.

Last night was good, but then it wasn't. We got carried away and whilst I didn't mind, Penelope did. I guess that's my fault, I gave myself this image, and she doesn't trust me at all. I don't think if I was in her shoes I'd trust myself, but it kind of hurt knowing that the first time I feel something, look at a girl beyond just sex, she didn't trust me.

Penelope is stunning, she's a real star and last night I was so taken aback by her. She gave me butterflies, that feeling in your stomach they talk about in movies, or books, Penelope gave me that and I've never had it before.

That's until I ruined it for myself, with the image my mother warned me about creating for myself. I never saw the problem with it until times like this, where I have an interest in a woman like Penelope and by no fault of my own, she can't trust me.

I was going to pick her up today and take her to work, but she didn't answer her door and as I parked up at the studio, I saw her walking inside with Sarah. Our scene today is one where we dance, some little dance club thing and it's a nice scene to film. I don't dance very well but when I'm acting under someone else's name, I guess that I can.

Into my dressing room I went, changed into my very sixties outfit and refrained from doing my own tie. The times where Penelope has done my tie for me have been some of the best days on set, maybe she's my good luck token. So with my tie in my hand I went knocking on her door, but she didn't answer so I just invited myself in. Penelope wasn't there though, her clothes were folded up meaning she's already changed, and now I've got nobody to tie my tie.

I walked along to the set, apparently five minutes late as the director practically hurried me off to set and had one of the assistants tie my tie for me as they'd hired me in front of the cameras. Penelope looks cute, her dress and pigtails, red lips and sixties dancing shoes.

"Penelope, I-"

"Just pretend it never happened." She cut me off, her voice a whisper so that nobody else here heard. The entire hall is filled with other people partaking in this scene, and Penelope still couldn't look me in the eye, despite the fact nobody was really paying attention.

"Penny, I don't want-"

"Alright! Cameras rolling, positions..." the director called, calling for me to put my arms around Penelope's waist and start dancing with her to these big throwback sixties songs.

The director counted down with his fingers and suddenly the scene began. Penelope and I were dancing like two people falling in love, in a room full of people yet unable to tear our eyes off of each other. Betty and George haven't realised it yet, but they're falling helplessly in love and it's this scene where they both realise that. They don't say it for another few scenes in the film, but they know.

Penelope looks happy, and it's frustrating because it's not her looking at me with a smile and those big eyes of hers, it's Betty. Bondy is in this scene, with Sarah actually but their characters are just friends. I keep looking at him and although we're acting, I feel as though he can tell something is up.

I spun Penelope, or Betty round, her skirt spun up and she laughed, smiled, and I did too. I don't call her pretty Penny for no reason, but it's just unfortunate that right now she's smiling to play a character. I want to make Pretty Perfect Penny smile, it's just a shame she hates me right now.

As soon as the director called cut, the scene finished after Penelope and I perfected our little dance, staring into each other's eyes as we waltzed around this dimly lit hall with a jazz band playing. Penelope's smile wiped from her face and she walked right off of set, without giving it a second thought.

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