Chapter Two: Time to leave...

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(Alright Bosip's cha cha real smoothing out now- /j)

[This is mostly filled with fanon ideas of how Bosip leaves so bare with me...-)

Nobody's POV:

Bosip looks at Bowaev,then at Bobal. He sighs however and keeps walking to the door. However,the gang,asides from Bob,come into the living where the door to the digital worlds were right next to the door to the kitchen. "Bosip...where are you going...?" Bobot asked,looking confused like the rest of them were. Bosip,not wanting to waste any time to go,just sighed, "I'm leaving this place...why? Do you really all need me...?"

The gang's eyes widened,except for Bobal's. "Bob's going to become a whining wimp if you do this man..." He grumbled,but in a tone that warned Bosip about what his actions will do. Bosip shook his head and gave them a look to say he was going and they couldn't change his decisions,he had to make his decision and he's doing it.

The gang turned their eyes off Bosip,understanding but never ready. They never thought this day would come for the shark ship of their group,but it was happening...and they don't have a choice but to let it happen. "Goodbye guys." Bosip sighed,smiling at them for a farewell and they nodded so forth.

Bosip then looked at the door to leave the folder and began walking towards it. But before he could,he heard Bob running over to him from behind. "Bosip wait!! Y-you''re not actually leaving are you?!" Bob exclaims. Bosip smiled at looked back at Bob with a comforting but noticeably sad smile.

"Come on Bob,you've been so much happier without my presence...every single day now. I knew you would fall for someone new and perfect,but...if Bella breaks your heart like most lovers,I'll be waiting 'here' for you..." Bosip said,giving Bob a small but comforting smile,or as comforting as he could for Bob. Bob widened his eyes. The gang was there but...they weren't doing anything to stop Bosip from going,but they watched Bob's reaction so...they at least were there for something-

Bosip then put his hand on Bob's shoulder quietly and spoke, "You're happy...Bob...and so,you...don't need me..." He explained, "Goodbye Bob. I love you! Take good care of your Bella, alright?" He added,turning away,the smile still on his face. But then Bosip made his arm let go and left towards the door,that to Bosip to the world of mystery but return. Bosip closed the door behind him,thinking Bob will be fine,he's only got one other thing to worry about now he was gone...but that wasn't true,not even close.

Bob looked at the door,realising on what he had just caused. He ignored Bosip for so was his fault...he could never thought he would ever affect his friend this much with all the neglect. "B...Bosip..." Bob muttered,his voice stumbling when he was making out words to say. He look at the floor,in clear horror. "I...I...NEED you...please..." He mumbled,he had a face of guilt. He didn't want to loose his girlfriend no,but his best-friend he had for 9 YEARS? No...he couldn't believe this.

Bob walked out,but as he went into the hallway to go into his room,he heard someone following him. He turned around to see Bobal,looking a bit disappointed. "That was let that happen when you were so shitty and busy hanging with your girlfriend to care and now this happened because Bosip's suffering wasn't in your arms reach you asshole-" "SHUT THE FUCK UP AND DONT TALK TO ME-" Bob snapped and cut off Bobal's sentence,screaming a blue beam at him,in the face. Bobal's face was now charred black as Bob felt tears roll out of his eyes, he felt guilty,Bobal's words really did hurt him that much huh?

(Ayo Creator here,Ramona/Axel,little time skip gonna happen so- :p)

Bosip's POV:

I had left. For good. I felt it was for the best. Bob really didn't need me if we're being honest here. But...I felt something in my mind that tells me that... 'I shouldn't have done that...I hurt him-' But I silenced that thought into the deepest depths of my mind as soon as I shook my head. I shouldn't be upset over leaving...honestly it's irrational to me.'s...what he would have wanted. He's so much happier without me almost everyday.

Ringing...ringing. It was my phone I pulled it out of my hand bag to see it was a call from...Gin? She took me and the gang in after our old creator was outed and she knows Bob's dating Bella...why is she calling me? I clicked the answer button,only to hear Gin in a panicked voice repeating my name.

(Writing this like it's an actual call be like:)

"Bosip?! Bosip is this you?!"

"Hey Gin...heh...don't worry I'm okay..."

"Wha- oh my goodness...where ARE you?! Bofo and Bobal said you left or something!!"

"Heh...y-yeah...I left the Bob Gang..."

"What?! Wh-why?!"

I was reasonably calm during this,despite my heart breaking from the 'maybe' mistake I had made and Gin being in a panic.

"It's because of He's been so much happier without me...isn't he Gin?"

"No- Bosip...seriously,you don't understand- He has LITERALLY been crying for the past couple hours literally muttering your name,I could hear it! He NEEDS YOU-"

I let out a sighing breath,Bob does not need me anymore.

"He has Bella...why on earth would he even need me anymore...?"

"Bosip please- You need to come back,Bob seriously needs you,he can't suffer more like this-"

Gin then began to list why I had to come back. I felt my teeth grit,I felted pissed off.

"Look you can't be out of the folder for long or you-"


I hung up. I already made my choice,even if Gin didn't know what I was doing,I was going to be fine in her eyes...or not considering she called me. "I'll be fine...Gin...Bob will be fine...there is no reason you should worry about me...anymore that is..."

"Ummm...who are you...? And what are you doing here?"

I heard a male voice behind me,it sounded completely unfamiliar,it sounded like a woman but definitely more masculine...I'm not sure if I am very rude if someone heard me comment about that- [Shit- Sorry to any trans people- YES NEW CHARACTER IS TRANS-] I looked around to see a light blue haired male figure with lowered ears. They were wearing a black robe,covering their whole body except for their head. And he had light orange eyes.

I looked at him and he looked back at me.

"Who are you?"

(Ayo NEW OC AT THE END LETS GOOO- also hi GinHaku for seeing this- anyways next chapter will be probably out this week- depending on my motivation status- anyways hope ya enjoyed, stay tuned until next chapter y'all!)

[Word Count:1223]

(BNB AU Story) 'We'll help you...but at a cost Bosip...'Where stories live. Discover now