Goodbye, for now...

37 3 9

" too bright..." I mumble(not a typo). Then I remember I was not in my bedroom. I stood straight up. Clem was sleeping on the couch in the corner. I got out of bed and trudged to the couch. "Clem." I whispered shaking her. "Cleeem..." I said stretching her name, and also shaking her. "CLEM GET YOUR ARSE OFF THE COUCH!" I yelled.

"What?" She sat up groggily. "No swearing!"

"I didn't swear." I told her. "I compromised."

" anyway. I made breakfast." I lied so she would get up.

"That's so sweet of you-" she was cut off my her own thoughts.

"You just did that to get me up. Didn't you."

"Yup." I said. She groaned and walked out the door. I followed.

"Crap!" I yelled, looking at the clock on the wall. "It's 10 o'clock. My parents probably know I'm gone and they're probably worried." I clutched my hands to my head panicking. "The could turn me in for breaking the rules. They could...they could... They could do anything. Disown me for all I kn-"

"Stop panicking!" Clem yelled. "They wouldn't do that." She assured me. "They love you to pieces." Okay. That made me feel better.

"Why don't we just make some tea. You could tell them you...ummm..." She paused. "Yeah, I got nothing. We can brainstorm over tea, or coffee. Your pick."



*Ringgg* *Ringgg*

"Oh, crap." Me and Clem said in unison staring at the phone.

"You go answer it." We said again in unison. "No! You go answer it!"

"Fine!" We yelled both standing up. "Hello?"Clementine answered the phone turning it on speaker.

"Have you seen Gale?" My mother asked sounding very anxious. "Umm..."

"Yeah..." Clementine answered slowly. "She's here. Uhh... She umm..."

"Can I talk to her.?"

"Is she with you?"

"Yeah. Gale! Your mom wants to talk to you!" She yelled to make the impression I wasn't in the room. I reached over and grasped the phones sides.


"Gale!" She said with relief spilling in her voice.

"Why didn't you tell us you left? Why did you leave? You do realize you broke the rules... right?" So many questions! I thought. "I felt panicked. I heard dad say why he hates Clem and I sort of freaked out and ran here, I just sort of answered that, and yes."

"Get home as fast as you possibly can. And as much as I don't like this punishment..." I closed my eyes expecting the worst. "No hanging out with Clementine. For two weeks."


"I'm sorry, Gale. I feel like this is for the best. You've been hanging out with her way to much."

She hung up. "UGH!"

"What'd she say?" Clementine questioned popping into the room. "She wants me to go home and not talk to you for two weeks." I said with dread.

"No. But we need to figure out what my family did to make me so untrustworthy."

"I just want to move in with you. Then I wouldn't have to worry about my parents constant nagging."

"Gale, I'm not exactly living on my own. I still have to visit my family. I can only say here three days a week. That's the rule of having my own place." She lectured. "Living on your somewhat own isn't as glamorous as I make it look."

"But at least it's still fun. We spend weekends here! Now we can't do that, for two weeks!" I yelled in frustration. "Gale, just go. Your mom clearly needs you for something. You should assist her."

"So now you agree with her?" I said with disbelief. "That's not what I-" she tried to say before I cut her off. "No." I said. "Save it." I walked to her wooden door painted red, "I thought we were friends." I said sounding a bit dramatic as if this was a scene from a movie. "We are fr-" the wooden door slamming cut her off.

I cried as I walked to a train station to get a ride home. People stared but today I didn't care. I had pretty much lost the trust of my parents and lost my best, and only, friend. How have I gotten to this? I thought.

After getting my train ticket and hopping on I sat in my seat alone. This was the very train I had jumped onto a few days ago. The train were Clem and I were reunited after about a week of not being able to speak because she was busy. I could tell my the seats they were a light wood, unlike the rest of the dark train's chairs. There were cushions with a grayish black plaid detailing. This train made me want the Earth to swallow me whole, I just wanted to leave the Earth. I was lonely and guilty. She's been nothing but nice to me and this is how I repay her kindness. I felt like the worst friend to walk the Earth. Maybe I was the worst friend to walk the Earth.

Maybe I was...

Hello, Potatoes! I'm sorry for my small absence. But I was busy with homework and such. I'm somewhat back now. And I'll try to update as soon as I can! I know Thewalkingkelp has wanted this update.

I've broken up their friendship! I'm evil, I know 😈. That's all for now! Thanks for getting this story to 90ish reads. I know it's really not that much but it means a lot that people other than my fiends are reading this. Goodnight my potatoes (it's night for me at least).


One last thing! I just recently found out that Deanville is and actual place. It's in Texas. I probably should have searched before-hand but I'm lazy. This story is not meant to take place in Texas. Just some creepy, sketchy town. Anyway this is my final goodbye!


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