tag along, idiot.

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The harsh ringing of my alarm woke me up. I opened one eye and glanced at my phone. There were a few messages from Jackson and one from Vicky. I got up from the bed and did my morning routine. After dressing up, I sat down on my bed and checked the messages. I opened Vicky's first.

V - I'm sorry that I disappeared but there was a family emergency so I had to go back. I'll be here for long so don't worry too much. :)

So that's where she went. I replied back.

S - It's okay. I hope things will get better soon.

She was online, so she replied immediately.

V - Thanks. And if you need to talk, I'm only a phone call away. And don't get in trouble or do something that will put you in the spotlight. It's best to stay under wraps. If there's any problem, contact me IMMEDIATELY. Okay?

S - It's okay Vic don't worry about me. I'll be fine. And come back as soon as you can ok? It's scary alone.

V - I will soon. Bye.

S - Bye.

Hah. I hope she'll come back soon. She's the only one who knows my secret, and the thought of staying at this unfamiliar place is nerve wracking.

I decided not to dwell too much on it and checked Jackson's messages.

J - Hey. Are you free tomorrow?

J - Hey?

J - You must be asleep.

J - Celia wants to meet you. If you're up for it, meet us at the fields at 9 in the morning. :)

I looked at the time. Shoot! It's already 8:12. I quickly took a shower and dressed up. I dropped Jackson a text saying that I'll be joining them and headed out.


The female lead of the novel.

And the most important character.

I cannot mess this up. I have to get along with her or else I can never get out of here. I miss home. I really wanna go back as soon as possible. Celia is a pretty easy-going and nice character in the novel. Up until now everything is going according to the original plot so I hope that she's the same one in the novel. It will be easier to get along.

I reached the fields and spotted Jackson at a far distance. I walked up to him. As I got closer, I noticed Aaron there too.

Can he not tail along everywhere?

I thought I'd take this chance to bring Jackson and Celia closer. I had made a perfect plan in my head. But no, that stupid ass idiot had to tag along.

I'm fucking pissed.

"Hey Sana!"

"Hey Jackson!"

"So Sana this is Celia." He said, twisting his head to his right.

Yep, she looks the same.

Straight blonde hair, fair skin, slim body and kind blue eyes. She smiled at me.

"Hi I'm Celia! It's so nice to meet you."

" Hi. Nice to meet you too."

From the corner of my eye, I saw Aaron staring at me. More like trying to pierce through me.


Suddenly, Celia took my hand in hers.

"You have no idea how excited I was to meet you. Jackson had been talking about you non stop and that made me more curious! He didn't mention that you were so small and cute!"

Then she proceeded to pinch my cheeks. Whoa. This is going far better than I had expected.

"You know, you actually remind me of my younger sister. She is small like you. But you're far cuter!"

Geez, I feel weird now.

"Thanks. I was excited to meet you too." I said smiling.

"Let's go already. I'm fucking starving." Aaron stated sharply.

He has to kill every nice moment, doesn't he? Prick.

"Aaron, stop being so rude to everyone. She's our friend now too. And you're supposed to be nice to your friends." Celia scolded him.

"Well she might be your "friend" but not mine. What if she has an ulterior motive. Everyone here knows that we're loaded. Remember last time? How your supposedly best friend treated you?" He retorted.

My hostility towards him is not for nothing. Why is Celia even with him even after she is treated by him this way?

"The last thing I want from is your money. I am happy with whatever I have, and your attitude is off putting enough, so forget about me trying to befriend you for your money. I am an orphan so I do have to do a job and earn to pay for my living expenses. I know how hard it is to earn money, so I don't go around taking other's hard earned money for granted." I replied.

He looked genuinely shocked. Hm. Maybe that was too big of a blow to his massive ego.

He gave me one last glare before storming off.


Word Count : 810 words.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2022 ⏰

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