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  Stella decided to move in as the days went on, as it was unclear of how long her stay was. It was also an excuse not to unpack boxes of junk all in one night. The navy was nice enough to give each returning airmen a unit on base but they were much nicer than the bunks she was use to.

  Her temporary apartment was small and practical but did not resemble a home in the slightest.

  As Stella mapped out the complex she wondered if any of her old classmates were called back. Surprisingly for the girl who'd have a mini panic attack before each flight, was ranked number 1 in her class that year. Strange thing fear was.

  She didn't want to stay in her empty apartment and decided to take a drive down to the beach. Which was thankfully only a couple minutes down the freeway. Her keys jangled in her hands as she reunited with her car despite driving in it for the past eight hours today.

  "Guess where I am?" she asked her best friend, Katie who was on speaker phone.

  "Outside some nightclub in San Francisco," she answered half sarcastically.

  "I'm back in sunny Southern California," Stella laughed, "San Diego," she specified.

  "Wasn't that where your flying school was? What was it called?"

  "Top Gun," Stella answered in a playfully stern voice.

   "For the top one percent of pilots," she said mimicking her mocking tone.

  "They want me back," Stella began.

  "What do you mean? Like an ex calling you out of the blue?"

  Stella laughed. If only Katie knew.

  "There's a mission requesting my presence at Top Gun."

  "Important lady," Katie joked, "What's the mission or is it classified?"

  "You know just as much as me," Stella sighed.

  "When do you start?"

  "Tomorrow morning. Which means if you start driving right now to San Diego from your lovely Los Angeles condo, we can meet for drinks!"

  "You know I would love to see you in the flesh again," Katie chuckled, "However the hospital's got me here till 9. Have a beer for me though."

  "You kill me Katie," Stella sighed, "Well go save some lives."

  "Try not lose any yourself," she joked back, "Bye Stella, call me soon."

  "Bye," she said blowing an air kiss to her stereo hoping Katie got the message before hanging up.

  Though she was approaching the beach her GPS told her a bar wasn't too far from here and her brain was screaming yes to a refreshing drink. She was surprised she'd never stopped by here back during her first time in the area. Perhaps it was new. It was a cute place on the beach front called the Hard Deck. It must've been happy hour as the parking lot was packed with men and women in uniform flowing in and out of the wooden doors. Stella resembled more of a tourist in her denim cut-offs and white blouse. A pair of sunglasses were balanced on her blonde head. Hopefully the combat boots gave some hints.

  The bar was packed with people laughing and drinking with a pool table occupied by a couple men. She noticed the wings pinned to their tan collared shirts. Her new classmates perhaps.

  Stella decided against introducing herself, as she must've looked a mess from the hours of driving. She wanted a quiet night that didn't involve the draining small talk and mission conversations. Stella was one to avoid things.

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