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Stella took the next day to fully recover from the mission. Which meant completely isolating herself from the outside world. She turned down drinks with the group for a taxi back to the apartment building. As soon as the cab dropped her off in front, she wasted no time reuniting with her bed. It was probably the best night of sleep Stella ever had.

She woke up at 1 in the afternoon the next day which meant she missed a chain of text inviting her to the beach. Stella quickly informed Katie of her status which Katie quickly responded with a phone call. Though the brunette could sense her friend's tiredness and left Stella alone to seize the day.

Stella poured herself whatever wine she had in the pantry and made an odd lunch consisting of whatever leftovers were stored in her fridge. She then watched Gilmore Girls until the sunset indicating it was nighttime.

It was relaxing and refreshing. Stella now felt like she could conquer the mission all over again. She turned off the tv getting ready to take a long shower until there was a knock on the door. Confused she slowly unlocked the door and peaked out. She probably looked like a mess as she hadn't bothered to brush her hair all day nor freshen up in the slightest. Of course it was Bradley Bradshaw at her door.

She should've called him. Or at least inform him of her existence. Especially after those moments they spent on deck. Though she wouldn't trade that day of relaxation for anything. Even if Bradley Bradshaw offered a good deal.

"Hi," she said softly, opening up the door.

"You look rested," he joked, "I just wanted to check on you. I haven't heard from you all day," he rubbed the back of neck as if he got caught.

"Yeah I decided to take the day off. Don't take it personally," she added quickly.

He nodded and let out a relieved breath.

"Do you want to come in?" she offered.

"I was actually gonna invite you for drinks," he said, "We're all meeting at the Hard Deck."

She pressed her lips into a thin line.

"Or you can have the night to yourself," the man said flustered, "Sorry for bothering."

"No no," Stella interrupted before he turned away, "Just give me five minutes to look decent."

He couldn't help but allow a large smile to spread across his face and gave a polite nod. She invited him instead which he took a seat on the couch while Stella quickly rushed to her closet.

"Bradley!" she called out.

"Yes!" he responded slightly worried.

"Do you mind texting Jake? Tell him to invite Katie tonight. My phone is dead."

Bradley laughed before answering, "He already did."

"Have any song requests?" Bradley asked as Stella settled into the passenger seat of his car.

  She shook her head with a smile and leaned into the leather seats while Bradley backed out of the parking lot. The radio station was playing an old 80s song which hummed in the wind while they cruised down the coast. They kept sneaking looks at one another but no one said a word. Until Bradley cleared his throat.

  "So we should talk," he mumbled, turning red.

  "About what?"

  "About us," he sighed, "I think we've beat around the bush for far too long."

  "You're right," Stella agreed, facing him.

  Confrontation hadn't been her strongest area nor was it Bradley's. But after these three weeks they could no longer avoid the topic. And if they wanted to make anything work it would require some acknowledgment of the past.

  "So what do you want to do?" she asked.

  "Well," he started, "I don't think there's any room to call us friends."

  "Best friends?" she joked earning a peeved look from Bradley.

  "Well I better warn you," Stella continued, "I'm not too great at the whole dating thing."

  He nodded his head slowly.

  "Why don't we just start like this," he said, "
I think you're one of the coolest girls I know so I ask you out. And I maybe take you for lunch or maybe dinner. And if it turns out to be a weekly or even daily thing. We can just call it what we want. Dating or just two people who are simply into one another."

  "You'd be ok with that?"

  "With you Stella James, I'll explore whatever," he smiled, "Besides I'm not too good at the dating thing either."

  Stella laughed and looked out the window.

  "What's so funny?"

  "I don't know. We went from awkward classmates, to having sex, to avoiding and lashing out at one another, and then becoming friends. And now we're just two people with all that history simply going out."

  "Well I think it's the perfect continuation of the story," Bradley laughed, "No one likes a cheesy romance anyways."

  "I do!" Stella exclaimed earning a chuckle from Bradley.

  "I figured," he grinned.

  They smiled at one another as Bradley exited the freeway nearing the Hard Deck. Whether or not Stella and Bradley would be a casual thing or a serious romance Stella felt as if she needed to tell him one thing. Just for him to here.

  She reached out for his hand and intertwined her fingers through his.

  "You know Bradley," Stella began.

"Know what?"

  "You are most definitely worth flying back for."

Author's Note
  Last chapter! Tomorrow I will post the official end. But oh my god I cant believe I'm going to complete a story. Thank you so much for supporting and reading my first story ever!!!

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