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  In honor of the airmen and women, Penny declared all drinks were on the house causing an even larger cheer to ripple through the bar.

They were both grinning like idiots with Stella wearing his sunglasses she had stolen in the car ride. The crowd gave a shout for the two heroes as they entered the bar, arm in arm. Stella could only smile and wave.

By the pool table like always stood a group of familiar faces with large smiles all across their faces. The exhaustion from the previous weeks had disappeared from their faces and was now replaced with excitement and joy.

Stella ran over to give Katie a warm hug as the brunette had arrived minutes earlier. Jake made sure to already treat the lady to a drink to which Stella playfully eyed at him. Reuben and Natasha were playing pool to no surprise but quickly paused to greet Stella and Bradley. Captain Mitchell gave him a nod from where he sat at the, eyes on the lovely bartender of the night. Stella strolled over to the bar and gave the captain a greeting nod before gathering two beers from Penny. Bradley gave her a kiss on the cheek as a reward and threw an arm around her shoulder. She blushed as her friends gawked at the pair but Bradley shrugged at them.

As the evening turned into night and Stella had a couple more drinks, she dragged Bradley over to the piano with a huge grin on her face. Bradley sat on the piano bench cracking his fingers. She gave him encouraging pats on his backs to get him riled up for tonight's performance. Like routine Bradley played the opening notes to Great Balls Of Fire. The song he played the first night they met. Everyone gave a whoop of approval.

"You shake my nerves and you rattle my brain" he sang, Stella returning the glasses to complete his look while standing behind him.

"Too much love drives a man insane," she responded with her arms around draped over his shoulders as her other pilot friends gathered around the piano.

"You broke my will," they sang together, "Oh what a thrill," looking into one another's eyes.

"Goodness gracious great balls of fire!" the entire bar sang.

Stella left her position from standing behind Bradley and stole Katie away from Jake who allowed the two best friends to dance. They spun one another around and twirled their bodies with loud laughs and giggles.

"Kiss me, baby," Bradley grinned looking at Stella.

Just like the lyrics instructed, Stella happily grabbed Bradley's face planting a nice kiss on his lips. He had a wide grin across his face as he continued to play. The bar let out a few oos and cheers for the pair while Bradley continued singing.

"Mmm, it feels good," he continued with a wink, "Hold me, baby!"

"Well, I'm off to love you like a lover should," now even Maverick was joining in on the singing throwing an arm around both Mickey and Bob.

  "Oh! You're fine," Natasha and Reuben sang, "So kind!"

  Bradley glanced over his shoulder to look at Stella before singing, "Got to tell this world that you're mine, mine, mine, mine!"

  Stella and Katie continued to dance with one another until Jake whisked away the brunette with a simple twirl. The young couple joined Maverick and Penny on the temporary dance floor with Natasha dragging Reuben to be her partner. Bradley was pouring everything into the piano solo as everyone cheered him on. She sat down on the bench, propping an elbow on Bradley's shoulder as he continued to play.

  "I chew my nails and then twiddle my thumbs," she sang with a grin.

  "I'm real nervous but it sure is fun."

  "Come on, baby!" Stella exclaimed, taking the sunglasses off the pilots face. He had a sparkle in his honey colored eyes looking at the blonde. She was blushing now.

  "You're drivin' me crazy," Bradley sang with a laugh.

  Goodness gracious, great balls of fire!

Author's Note
OMG! THIS BOOK HAS OFFICIALLY COME TO AN END. I want to thank everyone who's read this story and showing so much support for my first (completed) book!!! I'm definitely going back to rewrite and do some heavy editing. But for now enjoy Stella and Bradley's weird story and see you soon!

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