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Coming into work Monday morning was something Stella was particularly dreading. It wasn't so much the intense humbling that came with the constant failure of the flight course or the looming dread revolving around the three time frame slowly shrinking into two. She was dreading standing in a room with Bradley Bradshaw.

The pair haven't spoken aside from their bar encounter, if they could even call that conversation, and even then the tension was thick between the two. They could never talk about their night's events, both of them were too avoiding and emotional immature to handle that. If the night had ended well, whatever that may have looked like, Stella wouldn't be even in this position. If the night hadn't happen at all, Stella would be all smiles today. 

Perhaps she was overreacting, maybe Bradley didn't care one bit about. And for some reason rather that comforting her thoughts it bugged her even more. Rather than feeling hurt, Stella furrowed her eyebrows and felt a small ball of rage grow in her chest.

She slid into the seat next to Phoenix and flashed her a friendly smile. Natasha was about to open her mouth in a greeting until the blonde man made his way over. He was grinning ear to ear and Stella already knew, based off Katie's last text message to her, what was the reason.

"How's your friend?" Hangman smiled, "She have a good night?"

"Spent hurling her guts out if that's what you mean," Stella responded with an eye roll. 

Poor Katie, for someone that went to medical school still didn't know when to stop drinking. Her and her father were packing up when Stella hurried out the door for work. 

"Tell her she should visit soon."

"Tell her yourself," Stella scoffed, slightly disturbed that the most annoying person at Top Gun was interested in her beautiful best friend.

"Maybe I will," Hangman pondered, nodding at the two ladies before taking his seat at the front.

Stella let out a sigh and shook her head while Phoenix just laughed at the interaction. Bradley was always the last to arrive, strutting in like he owned the room. He removed his aviator sunglasses to reveal his morning scowl, lowering himself in the row behind Stella. It took every bone in her body not to turn around and sneak a glance at him.

Maverick wasted no time in describing today's plan as he came into the room. They had moved on to the second part of the mission despite no one being able to successfully complete the first part.

Well, Stella had made it. Except it was done once the rest of the pilots had clocked out for the day. Stella had begged Maverick to let her try one last time on a particular Thursday. He allowed to her to continue the simulation with a sigh. And she had completed the course. Of course with the absence of a wingman but it was the first time anyone had completed within the time limit. It had been kept a secret between Maverick and Stella at her request. Maverick didn't understand at first eager to prove to Cyclone that the mission was in fact possible. She didn't feel like flaunting her success to the others. Especially when it was probably birthed out of chance and luck rather than Stella's skill.

The second part was more luck based than skill base. It was all luck. Miracles.

Maverick described the group of jets to fly over the first mountain with tiny models flying across the board. However Stella saw an intense flaw in his course. As much as she hadn't to admit it, Stella was a physics nerd at heart.

"Sir," she raised her hand, "If I may."

He nodded at her to speak. Curious to what the normally quiet pilot had to say. Everyone turned in their seats as well to face the blonde who always seemed to have her head in the clouds. 

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