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It had been awhile since Stella attended a funeral. The last one had been for her mother seven years ago, buried beside her father. It left Stella alone for both her graduations. She was going to wear the same dress from that day but was instead dressed in a simple suit. Her hair worn modestly in a low ponytail with her navy cap over it.

Admiral Kazansky had always been a super hero figure to Stella. His portrait hung in the center of Top Gun and Maverick, Cyclone, and all the other superiors always spoke highly of him. Viper said he graduated first in the Top Gun class he taught back in the day. She caught a glimpse of his flying before at her original time at Top Gun during a fly show.

Stella locked the door to her apartment and turned around to see Bradley doing the same. He was wearing the same thing, freshly shaven she also noticed. He looked upset but she couldn't tell if it was from the admiral's death or something else. Before she left yesterday she overheard Maverick and him going at it again. It made her feel bad for lashing out at him a few minutes before.

They looked at one another in silence. Though both clearly wanted to say something.

"Do you want to take my car?" she asked quietly.

He let out a sigh, almost unsure of how to answer such a simple question, "Sure, why not."

She immediately regretted the ride offer as they sat in complete silence. She wanted to roll down the windows but the wind would mess up their uniform. Bradley's hands went for the radio.

Kings of Leon's Use Somebody was playing. It was Stella's dad's favorite song as he would attempt to play it for her on the guitar. She tried to keep her attention focus on the road.

He began to hum to the lyrics. Mindlessly, unaware that Stella was on the brick of tears as they turned the corner. She missed her father so very much. She missed her mom too. She was left alone with no one to hold her. Sure she had Katie and Captain Metcalf but they also had one another.

"I use to love this song," Bradley mused, bravely. breaking the silence.

She waited a beat to respond.

"I always thought you were a classic 70s and 80s kind of guy," she smiled, hoping they were on better terms.

"I use to listen to this just to spite my mother," he laughed.

"Your mom hates Kings of Leon?"

"Use to," he sighed, "I think it grew on her."

Stella smiled at Bradley. He smiled back.

I can really use somebody

Stella gripped the steering wheel, blinking her eyes fast as they started to blur. Memories of her father in their living room putting on a performance for her and her mother. Bradley seemed unaware of the whole situation.

Someone like you

Without realizing Stella had turn her head to get a glance of the man in the passenger seat. She knew her eyes were watery but it almost felt natural to look at him. And to her surprise he was looking back at her. His own eyes slightly teary.

It was a moment like this she really appreciated Bradley and his silence. He wasn't one to pry or assume but simply be there. Sure his silence had consequences, especially to their relationship and flying, but right now. In this car it was like they were in a bubble. And none of the past interactions had occurred. Stella just needed someone to be there and Bradley happened to fill the space.

As the car approached the funeral home, Stella grabbed the box of tissues from the back seat to wipe her eyes. She offered them to Bradley without saying a word. By the time to two pilots stepped out of the car, they looked fresh and clean as they should be. The rest of the pilots were gathered outside the chapel waiting for the ceremony to start.

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