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Her eyes felt heavy as effects of her morning coffee hadn't kicked in yet. With her head resting in her hand, she blinked slowly trying hard not to fall asleep. Rooster didn't look the same. He was alert and attentive as if he had gotten a full eight hours of sleep.

Maverick hadn't entered the building yet so she could possible take a quick power nap. However it was five past seven which meant the captain was late. She glanced over her shoulder in search of him. Hangman and Rooster seemed to be thinking the same thing.

"In addition, Captain Mitchell is no longer your instructor," Cyclone announced waking Stella out of her morning haze.

Her eyes met Rooster's as they both gave one another an odd look to the news. Whispers rippled through the room knowing that the mission date was only a week away. Cyclone clearer his throat to quiet the room.

"As of today, there are a few more new mission parameters. Time to target is four minutes," Cyclone added, with the large timer on the screen switching from 2:30 to 4:00.

Stella raised an eyebrow to the change. More glances were exchanged between the pilots. The navy was going to let them fly with false hope rather than straight up telling them they were fucked. How typical.

"Sir that gives the enemy more time to intervene," Bob spoke, readjusting himself in his seat. They were all  growing anxious.

"That brings me to my third announcement," Cyclone said, causing the pilots to shift in their seats.

"We need a fifth dagger to take an alternate course in order to bomb the enemy runway. This will prevent any other aircrafts from intercepting."

"Thanks for the heads up," Stella sighed under her breath. The mission was only four days away if they were on schedule.

"What about the enemy aircraft already in the air?" Rooster pressed.

"You have a higher chance of survival in a fight with enemy aircraft than a head on collision into a mountain," the admiral stated plainly.

"In an F-18 we're dead in either situation," Stella muttered under her breath.

She was sick of everyone avoiding the fact that this mission was never designed to bring the pilots home. At least Maverick tried. Phoenix kicked Stella's leg signaling the admiral has heard what Stella had said. Her cheeks grew red.

"Jigsaw, your constant—" but he was cut off by some static from the radio.

There was a small beep from the screen indicating there was an aircraft in flight on base. The class glanced at one another  confused though they had their guesses of who it could be.

"Maverick to Range Control, entering Point Alpha. Confirm green range."

Cyclone's jaw clenched in anger while the rest of the pilots tried to hide their smiles. Rooster leaned forward to hear the radio better while Stella simply shook her head in disbelief.

"Range Control to Maverick, green range is confirmed. I don't see an event scheduled for you today, sir."

"Well, I'm going anyways. Setting time to target to two minutes and fifteen seconds. Maverick inbound."

Stella sucked in a breath seeing the timer on screen change. There were mutters rippling through the classroom at the captain's wild attempt.

"That's impossible," Coyote breathed, leaning back in his seat.

Rooster shushed the other pilots at Maverick entered the course. The old pilot weaved through the course like no problem as the Stella was quite literally on the edge of her seat. Once the first part was completed, Maverick approached the mountain in the swift motion Stella had suggested.

"Bombs away," the captained announced as he came to target and headed up the second mountain.

Everyone in the room had their breath's held even Cyclone as they watched the bombs fall down and hit the white box perfectly. The class erupted in cheers and celebration in awe that the mission could be completed successfully. Stella couldn't help but noticed the final two stats glaring up on screen through the joy. The timer had 0.16 seconds left and the Gs Maverick was pushing gleamed 10.0 warningly at the pilot.

"Well shit," Stella said to herself in the midst of the celebration.


"I don't think they'll fire him," Payback assured as the crew headed back to the apartment base.

Stella found herself stuck between Payback and Rooster feeling their towering frames closing in on her. Even though Maverick had proven that the mission could be done there was still the fact he stole a military aircraft and flown it without permission.

"If they get rid of him then the navy is sending us to our graves," Stella half joked.

"Have you no faith in us Jigsaw?" Hangman countered with his signature grin growing across his face.

"Not a single drop," she fired back, crossing her arms. The blonde just laughed tossing his toothpick into the trash can.

"Either way the mission is in four days," Phoenix pointed out bringing a sudden stillness to the group.

Those three weeks had sailed by without much thought. It was only now that the realization and weight of the missions began to fall upon them.

"You alright?" Rooster raised a concern eyebrow as Stella realized she had slowly started to drift from the group.

"Peachy," she smiled.

He gave a small nod, "Look you can always talk to me if you.."

"I know," Stella said warmly placing a hand on his shoulder, "Thank you."

His cheeks began to grow hot as her hand hadn't been removed from his body. Before he could do anything else there was a call from Phoenix up ahead.

"Hurry up!" she shouted at the pair, "We're getting drinks at the Hard Deck!"

Stella smiled once more before picking up the pace and allowing for Rooster to trail after her.

Author's Note

So sorry for the late update. I've been super busy with work and stuff. The next few updates might be slow because I'm going on vacation for a little bit. But I'll try to write! Keep reading and voting!!! Thank you so much for sticking around!!

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