7.6K 206 0

Fueled by anger, Stella swiftly tackled the first mountain leading Bob and Phoenix towards the target. Her fingers gripped the controls so hard she was sure her knuckles were white underneath the leather gloves.

To her luck their laser worked making her drop successfully.

"Yes!" she couldn't help but exclaimed. Her smile grew even more when Phoenix completed her drop.

She could imagine the look on Rooster's face as they climbed upwards.

"Don't get too excited, Jigsaw," Maverick warned from a distance as the pair approached the second mountain.

The framed of an F-18 was designed to withstand 7.5 Gs. It was the second thing Stella learned when she was researching the design of the aircraft. She had never been past 7 Gs in her whole flying career. Even with all the tests and runs she did as an engineer.

They were only a quarter up the mountain and she was already pushing 9 as they climbed higher. Stella felt her vision darkening as the jets flew higher with more force. The jet was rattling from the pressure. As she tried to put all her energy into controlling the plane, her vision went dark.

Maverick immediately noticed what was going on in Stella's jet as he dived down in attempt to gain her attention.

"Jigsaw!" he shouted into the radio, "Pull up."

There was silence from the other end.

"Jigsaw! Snap out of it!"

Stella blinked her eyes only to realize she was still in the aircraft. It took her another second to see that her jet was heading downwards. Fast into the mountain. It was the first time in her whole flight career that Stella's fear caught up to her. Buttons and alarms were blaring at her to pull up as the altitude kept dropping but Stella remained frozen in her seat. Her chest couldn't get enough air in her lungs as it felt like the earth's walls were caving in on her. She gasped for air as Maverick and the other kept yelling for her to pull up through the radio.

She was a little girl again, in the airplane while her mother held her hand whispering how much she loved her. There was 100 feet left between Stella and the ground. It was up until this moment, Stella realized how unafraid she was of not flying back home. She was welcoming her end as her hands were no where near the ejection cables. Perhaps she should let herself crash, an instant death.

"Stella! Eject!" a voice from the radio called out. It had been Maverick who'd been trying to fly by her side until he eventually pulled up. Stella had thought it was her late father speaking to her.

At the last second, Stella pulled on the ejection ropes.

The jet crashed into the ground, erupting in flames as Stella flew down to the ground fast. Her parachute deployed too late causing the safety landing to be more rough than usual. When she hit the ground, Stella realized her face was damp with tears. She didn't have the energy to walk to base or do anything. Instead she sat on the ground facing the jet in flames while tears ran down her petrified face. The heat from the fire warmed Stella's face as she couldn't bring herself to move away.

The helicopter found her 20 minutes later in the same position.

Stella let her legs dangle from the bed as if she were a small child getting ready for a doctor's appointment. The nurse said she would be just fine but the check up was a part of the procedure. She had a small scrap on her cheek matching the scar from her car accident. It was small and unnoticeable unless you really looked. The biggest injury from the accident was Stella's ego.

Her first time crashing all thanks to her head no being able to withstand the pressures of gravity. If it weren't for Maverick shouting through the radio, Stella would've headed straight into the mountain. Well she did. Apparently no one saw her eject so they sent a whole search and rescued team to find the remains. Thankfully her tears had dried by the time Maverick climbed down the ladder.

Her cheeks began to grow red again. She needed to get out of the infirmary.

Stella quickly undressed herself out of the smock trying to find where she had left her clothes. The door suddenly creaked causing her to jump and hold a thin sweater to her nude body.

It was Bradley peaking his head in, blushing and quickly closing the door when her realized Stella was naked. She quickly got changed, going over to unlock the door to find Bradley leaning against the wall waiting.

'What do you want?" she asked suspicious of his intentions.

Even after nearly dying her annoyance towards the pilot was still present. He must've come to gloat or scold her for being reckless.

His cheeks grew even more red as if he been caught in the act. She crossed her arms indicting she didn't have the time for his games.

"To check up on you," he confessed, "We didn't see a parachute."

Her heart slightly fluttered at his concern which was silly. They were teammates, he should be concern about her well being. Except he was the only one waiting outside the infirmary for her.

"I'm fine," she sighed, closing the door and making her way out.

"You have a scratch on your face," Bradley pointed out. Her hand instantly went to cover it, surprised her noticed.

The pair walking out to the deck, "Nothing too serious. How's the plane?" Stella grimaced knowing the beautiful jet was now in pieces. She should've pulled up.

They could never seem to escape that haunting silence that always caught up to them. Stella wanted to apologize for her attack from earlier but she found herself unable to speak. Besides Bradley beat her to it.

"You're so careless," he mumbled.

"Don't start," she warned, "You lecturing me is the last thing I need."

"You care more about the fucking plane," Bradley scoffed.

"I'm fine," she assured, "Why do you even care?" Stella said with an eye roll.

If Stella had gotten seriously injured (or actually died) it meant Bradley would secure the title as team leader. After her crash it was most likely his anyways. Bradley looked at her as if she had snakes in her hair. Then his eyes grew frustrated and angry. He stormed outside the building leading them out to the deck where he could properly yell at her.

"You're so selfish," he scoffed.

"I'm selfish?!"

"You don't think about anyone except yourself," he explained, "You don't think."

"This again," she muttered under her breath.

"Just because you have some type of death wish," Bradley shouted angrily, "doesn't mean other people want to see you die."

She fell quiet. Bradley was right. The thoughts that had consumed her when in the jet had been real. She had always been a sad girl since the passing of her father but managed to keep herself distracted. Only now she realized her recklessness when it came to flying was only because she was slightly ok with the consequences.

Stella didn't want to argue with Bradley. It was a losing battle for her anyways. His golden eyes burned into hers with such intense emotion she had to look away. He would be the end of her.

Instead she rubbed her eyes in case any tears threatened to spill out and stalked off the deck. A part of her wanted Bradley to call out to her. Ask her to stay. She would this time. She knew in the back of her mind she'd be willing to.

But he stayed silent.

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