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  Though she knew the apartment complex was home to everyone at Top Gun, Stella had hoped she could avoid her mates outside the hours they were training. But she was slightly thankful it was Phoenix in the elevator when the doors opened. She had a surprise yet friendly look on her face with a six pack in her hand. The elevator doors closed and before Stella could click level 9, Natasha stopped her.

  "Come up my place, a few of us are playing poker tonight," she invited, "Celebrate the first day."

  There was no point in saying no as Stella's night would've consisted of wine drinking and binge watching. Though she wished she was dressed in something other than some lounge pants and a lace tank top. But Natasha was dressed in sweats and fitted tank top.

  The pair got off at level 5 as Natasha unlocked the door to reveal her apartment. It was the same layout as Stella's expect without all the boxes littering the floor. It looked like a home.

  "Hi Reuben, hi Jake," Stella waved kindly to the pair lounging on Natasha's sofa.

  "Going by our civilian name's," Jake joked, messing with a couple poker chips.

  Stella rubbed her forearms despite the air conditioning being off. She trailed behind Natasha as the girl broke open the six pack's casing.

  "Pass me a beer Natasha," Javy said from the arm chair, noticing the object in his friend's hand.

  "Please?" she teased before tossing him one.

  Stella settled on the carpeted floor across from where Reuben and Jake sat. A glass coffee table separated them as cards and poker chips were laid out neatly.

  "Bradley is suppose to bring the chips," Natasha sighed, glancing at the time.

  Her heart dropped slightly at the name. It shouldn't be a surprise that he would be making an appearance but still Stella felt her palms grow sweaty. They wouldn't even have to talk to one another, she told herself.

  Just like clock work there was a knock on the door. The group let out a small chuckle as Natasha opened it up to reveal a Bradley Bradshaw with a bag of chips in one arm. He was dressed in the same attire he was seen at in the bar, a Hawaiian shirt with a wife beater under along with dark wash jeans. Natasha took the bag from him gesturing for him to sit with the rest of the group.

  His eyes searched the group landing on Stella. She couldn't read his expression but she'd have to assume it was disappointment that was painted across his face. To Stella's luck he took the empty spot next to her. Though Stella tried not to look at him it was obvious the awkward tension from before still hung between the two.

  "I suck at poker," Stella mumbled, as Jake dealt the cards to the eight players.

  Natasha offered her a beer which she graciously took. Bradley spared her a glance but his look was unreadable. As most looks are while playing poker. He peaked at his two card not bothering to lift them from the table while Stella held them close to her face like a child playing go fish.

  She wished she were watching Criminal Minds up on level 9. But Stella repeated to herself she'd at least try to make friends. Her life was getting a bit lonely with Katie living so far but no one ever mention how hard it is to open up to people.

Each person took turns either matching Reuben's starting bet or folding. When the bet came upon Bradley he made sure to raise one blue chip. Stella glanced at her cards. An ace of spades and a six of hearts. The other three cards on the table did no help as it was a ten, a seven, and a three.

Bradley looked to her, urging for Stella to make her move. Without thinking she matched Bradley's bet. A smile twitched across his lips.

  They went on and on, with Jake revealing the final two cards showing no favor to Stella's hand. She let out a sigh revealing her two worthless cards as Bradley won the pot.

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