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Stella had never been so grateful to see her brunette friend hopping out the car. She eagerly rushed over and engulf the girl in a firm hug, squeezing her as tightly as possible.

  "Jeez, you're gonna break my rib," Katie laughed, pulling away for a second.

  Her father, Captain Metcalf, emerged from the passenger giving Stella's second hug of the day.

  "Good to see you Jigsaw," he greeted.

  "Oh you have no idea," Stella laughed.

"So anywhere a girl can get a drink," Katie asked, "Been driving for three hours with him nagging me about directions."

Captain Metcalf simply shrugged with an innocent look plastered across his face.

"I know a place," Stella grinned, gesturing for them to follow her to the newly fixed car.

The bar was a bit crowded but it wasn't happy hour yet so there was still more to come. Per usual Penny was behind the bar cleaning a couple glasses when her face gave an amused look to the trio that walked in.

"Viper?" she exclaimed in disbelief.

"Is that Penny Benjamin," the old man laughed, heading over to the bar.

From bits and pieces of the two's conversation, Stella gathered that Penny was actually the daughter of Admiral Benjamin. And also how the history of her and Maverick went way back.

Stella led Katie to the pool table after buying her friend a beer. They both took pool sticks from the wall and began to set up the game. Stella was fairly good at pool though she hadn't been able to showcase her talent at this particular bar yet. Katie groaned as Stella managed to hit the 8 ball in record time. The brunette took a swig of her beer until she choked on the liquid seeing a group enter the bar.

Stella laughed only to realize it was Jake, Reuben, Mickey, Javy, and Natasha. Natasha spied Stella immediately telling the others to come follow.

"You never said your flight crew was smoking hot," Katie whispered accusingly.

"They're the most egotistical bunch you'll ever meet so be my guest," Stella whispered back before waving them over. Katie smacked Stella's arm as if the blonde didn't have an ego herself.

"Guys, this is my friend Katie," she introduced.

"Pleasure to meet you Katie," Jake said flirtatiously, bringing her hand up to his lips. It nearly made Stella gag.

"Likewise," Katie answered confidently, showing no signs of being flustered from the man's actions.

"You two up for some pool," Reuben asked, noticing the sticks still in their hand. Reuben was always up for pool.

"I'm ok," Stella said politely, "here Natasha," trying to pass the stick to the female pilot.

  "Nope, you're gonna play this round," she insisted before strolling to the bar to get a drink.

  "Stella is wicked at pool," Katie warned with a smile. Stella blushed at her friend's compliment.

  "Then what are we waiting for?" Jake grinned, hitting the white ball.

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