chapter one <3

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theodore decker
i took my usual seat on the bus to the left and put my bag down in my lap, i stared out the window, wondering what type of force had brought me here of all places. not only was it the place i disliked, but the people too, especially my father and xandra. my father was a drunk, and xandra one too. i closed my eyes and sat there for a moment, thinking.

less than a minute later, i felt a body next to mine, i opened my eyes and looked to my right, and there sat a curly headed boy with raven hair and all black clothes, he was in my civics class though i didnt know his name. he was remarkably beautiful - though he didn't need to know i thought that. he stared at me for a few seconds and a smile formed on his face, he laughed and said, with his strong accent

"hah! harry potter!"

i had heard that one many times before from many different people, it was getting quite old. but from him it didn't sound as bad as others made it


i said flatly, chuckling a bit in the middle of my very short statement. i looked him up and down at least twice, he was quite skinny, but his large trench coat covered most of his small body. he was taller than me though, as most people were

"wheres your snowboard?"

i said, pointing to his black shirt, which had a print of someone snowboarding on it


the other boy asked, a bit confused. i pointed to his shirt once again and it looked like what i had said clicked in his mind

"oh, dont know how to snowboard. just hate the sun!"

he said and smiled. we stayed silent the rest of the ride

at my stop, the taller boy got up as well, we both walked off the bus one behind the other. once the sun hit our faces and the sand hit our shoes, i turned to him


i said to him and stuck out one of my hands for him to shake


he said, rolling his r's with the same thick accent i had heard earlier, and shook my hand

"i shall call you potter though. let's go"

boris said and started walking down the sandy ground and pulled out a black umbrella. i looked at him with an odd look

"told you, hate the sun!"

boris exclaimed and popped the umbrella out, he and i walked side by side underneath it silently until about thirty seconds later i asked him

"where are you from?"

his accent was probably russian, from what i would guess at least, but i didn't want to assume. or maybe i just wanted to hear him speak, his voice was quite nice...what am i saying? im just curious is all

he started listing off places he had lived. canada, russia, poland, ukraine (originally), etc etc, and now here in vegas

"you move a lot"

i stated, and boris chuckled a slight bit

"yes, my father works in a mine, we must move a lot. many people get angry because they say they will not fuck up the environment, and then they fuck up the environment!"

boris said and laughed, i laughed too

boris walked me through his house from the front door directly through the back. he opened the door and there sat a large pool, one like mine back at my dads house, but empty. completely empty. boris sat on the stairs and i followed, stitting on a bucket next to him

"want a beer?"

boris asked, i agreed though im not sure why. he grabbed two from inside and came back out, he handed me an open one and set his down too. he pulled a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and offered me one, this one i turned down. he lit the cigarette and i just stared at him for a bit. admiring him. he was unlike anyone else

"what are you staring at, potter?"

boris asked as he looked up at me and took a short drag of his cigarette that he held loosely in his hand


i said as i looked away, taking a swig of the beer he had given me. it tasted like acid, but i liked it, nonetheless

"is it just you and your dad?"

i asked him, he blew out some smoke and nodded

"yes, my mother is dead"

boris said nonchalantly

"mine too"

i said to him, a bit sad

"mine fell out of window"

he said and drank some more beer, looking down at the bottom of the empty pool

"mine died in a bombing"

i said, replying the moments i could remember in my mind. i can't remember all of it, only parts. i remember a curly red headed girl, her name was pippa. i met her uncle right after the explosion, and her uncles obvious lover days after. it's a very very long story, one i don't like to think about for too long

i drank more beer and boris and i spoke for a while until i went home

when i walked in the door, my dad and xandra didn't ask where i was, as expected. i started my way upstairs and opened my bedroom door. i laid down on my bed with popper, xandras dog who was basically mine now, he likes me more anyways

i thought, for a long while, for the first time not about my mother, and not about the explosion. but about him. the beautiful tall raven haired boy i had spent the last hours with. he was beautiful, unusual. i liked at least one person here now that wasn't popper

2:22am | 966 words

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