chapter eight <3

881 19 5

theodore decker

it was late, and dark, and cold. though the cold was bearable with boris's sweater that was much to big and long for me as well as the heat coming from his body going to mine as he laid his head on my shoulder. he was quite beautiful when he slept

the way his lashes barely touched his cheek bones and the way his breath travelled in and out of his body. he was breathtaking like this, he always was though. i don't know why i think this so often, i have watched him sleep before - not in a creepy way, just in a trance of...admiration, honestly

boris shuffled a bit in his sleep, and i held in a breath as though even the slightest sound or movement would wake him from his dreams. he pulled his body closer to mine, and i let out a long breath after he stopped his movements. this was quite nice

somehow, i ended up back in that place. the museum. right after the bombing, where everyone and everything in sight was covered in ash or smoke, including myself. i could barely see anything out of my glasses

everything seemed still, and my ears were ringing. there was no noise other than the bells going off in my mind, echoing through my head. i was dizzy and shaking. i could feel everything yet nothing at the same time, but there was only one thing on my mind. where was mom?

i got up off the ground, leaving a sort of imprint on the grey, ashy floor where i laid. i walked down what had been the walkways of the museum that were now rubble and smog and nothing else

i woke up, gasping and looking around, forgetting where i was in the moment. i felt a shift to my side and looked over, finding boris snuggled closely into my side. he slowly opened his eyes and looked up at me, whispering in his hoarse and tired voice like he always does


i simply sighed and nodded, pinching the bridge of my nose, still shaking and breathing heavily

boris shuffled closer to me, if that was even possible, and wrapped his arm around my waist, shushing me. he always seemed to calm me down. i laid my head on top of boris's and closed my eyes, trying to calm my nerves

5:18pm | 400 words
sorry again for the late chapter !!

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