chapter three <3

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boris pavlikovsky

it was late, very late, probably two or three in the morning, when potter shot up from his sleep. i knew he had a bad dream again, he always does. i always comfort him, so that's what i did tonight as well. i shushed him and held him until he fell back asleep. he didn't know i dreamt of him though, i did most nights

it was morning already and potter had woken me up, he shook my body in the bed and i opened my eyes

"what potter?"

i asked, tired and slightly annoyed. he said nothing, just motioned me to get up, so i did. i got up and got dressed, it was hard to tell what clothes belonged to which one of us at this point honestly

we walked downstairs to the dining room and i sat down at the table, potter went to the bathroom. larry, his dad, and xandra, sat down at the table too. larry started talking to me about what movies hes been in, potter never told me his father was in movies

potter walked out of the bathroom and i turned to him

"you never told me your father was in movies, potter!"

i smiled and turned back to larry, who then started speaking to potter about thanksgiving, which was today. potter said he would stay home and eat dinner with me, that was a lie, we would stay home but we would just get high and drink cheap liquor. but him saying he would stay with me instead made me happy, being around him made me happy

hours passed and potter and i ended up at my house when larry and xandra had gone to that fancy place to eat. potter brought popchyk to my house with us, i loved popchyk

potter and i sat on my bed and watched shitty movies while we drank beer we stole from my dad and smoked cigarettes we stole from him too. popchyk was sitting between us, he always did. i heard the front door open and my dad stumble through the door. he was drunk

"popchyk, my dad will kill him. go"

i got up and walked down the stairs, potter went the other way to the back door. my father stared yelling at me in russian. i stood there with my arms crossed as i watched potter and popchyk walk out the back

"Оставь меня в покое"

i told my father and i started to walk up the stairs to get away from him. i knew i was in deep shit for speaking 'out of turn' as he would say

as i barely got to the second step, my father pushed me down, i didn't know what was happening for a while until i felt the warm pulsing feeling all across the body. he did this often. i felt blood - lots of it - though not sure where from, but i felt it. that's all i could remember

8:45pm | 495 words

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