chapter four <3

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theodore decker

i had enjoyed my time with boris at thanksgiving, but what i didn't enjoy was what happened after. popper and i had to leave out of the back door, his dad had come home, once i got out i heard more yelling and looked through the window. boris was on the floor

the next day we had school, boris had a black eye, but he didn't seem extremely bothered. he was upset sure, but not as if it was a new thing

"happens often"

he had said to me. i didn't want to question, i didn't want to upset him. now that i think about it, boris was never really upset. he didn't care too much about things, he said it didn't matter. we were polar opposites

after school we had ended up at the playground near my house, the one we had gone to a few times before. we just sat on the swings and smoked and drank liquor that tasted like battery acid every time we went. that's all we did every day really, but i really enjoyed it, hopefully he did too

i liked looking at him, he was someone you could sit and admire for hours, days, even weeks honestly. he always knew i was looking at him, but he didn't bring it up very often

"want another?"

boris asked and held up a beer, which was warm now sitting out in the setting sun of sandy las vegas. i said yes, he opened it and handed it to me. i took a sip from it and looked out to the horizon, watching the sun set. we always stayed out until it was dark, it was nice

it was about nine or ten at night when we started walking home, my house was what we both called 'home', boris's house was simply just a house to us both. boris and i walked inside and headed straight to my room. we both sat down on the bed and started getting ready to sleep. boris had been staying with me for almost a week now, and every time we stayed over at either house, we always slept side by side - which was every night for almost a month now

we drank and smoked more until we ended up falling asleep, me in his arms and him in mine, popper at the foot of the bed. this was my favorite way to sleep

when i woke up, boris was gone. he had left a note though, he normally did when he left before i woke up

"potter, had to go. my father comes home today


i set the note down on the table next to my bed and went back to sleep for about an hour, maybe less. i woke up and headed downstairs with popper. i fed him and sat at the table, waiting for boris to come back. when i wasn't with boris i didn't do much of anything, i just waited for him, and i didn't mind that

a few hours later my father came home, a big smile on his face. i just sat there and stared at him, waiting for him to say something to me. he said he had a big business opportunity, a restaurant? i had to call my moms attorney, or at least he said i had to. he made me do many things i didn't like, such as living with him

i looked at him confused, and he just grabbed my arm and pulled me over to the kitchen

"just...say what's on the page, theo"

he said to me, laying out a paper in front of me that had words on it, almost like a script


i looked at him and shook my head in disbelief. why did my dad do this? why did he have to be such a dick? i hated my father, i have for a long time. i resented him. my father was a grade-a asshole and an angry alcoholic. he smelled of liquor and cigarettes this day

"theo, theo please"

he pleaded, i said no. he grew angry, upset - he always threw tantrums when he didn't get his way

tears started pricking my eyes, i dont even know why. my father had taught me when i was very young that 'boys dont cry', i always hated that, but i still rarely cried. he told me to stop, but before i could, he started to yell, like a child, like he constantly did. he started throwing multiple items across the house, not caring where they landed

he grabbed me and just hit me, over and over, a wave of anger growing over him. i fell to the floor, my eyes stinging more and more, my body hurt, and i felt a warm and thick liquid coming from my face. i could barely see

my father stopped after a short while, which really felt like decades to me. he simply looked at me and touched my face

"theo...theo im so sorry"

he said, over and over again, though i could barely hear him - even if i could i wouldn't care for what he had to say

when i pushed him off of me somehow, i ran somewhere, anywhere i could think of, and my feet led me to boris

12:57am | 890 words

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