chapter nine <3

957 28 20

theodore decker

i slowly opened my eyes, being awoken by the sound of body's shuffling around me and the sun starting to make it's way over the horizon. we were here

i shook boris awake and told him to get up, a hint of nervousness in my voice. so many 'what ifs' and possibilities flooding my mind more than before somehow. the choice we made to come here wasn't thought out very well

boris and i grabbed our things and stood up along with the other passengers, poppers head poking out of the top of the duffle bag he was in. as we made our way off the bus, we stepped to the side, taking a moment to stretch our legs and let the white dog do so too

boris and i snuck a few looks to each other every few seconds, as if the other didn't notice, though we were both painfully aware of the others gaze; perhaps that was a factor in the reason we kept stealing looks at the other

as boris and i went down the roads i grew up knowing, it was pouring rain and near pitch black. our fingers entwined with each others subconsciously - though probably also for support - as we ran down the roads and sidewalks

i pulled boris down a flight of stairs to our right and rang the green doorbell as fast as i could, not wanting to be in the rain any longer. we were both cold and shivering and soaking wet, along with popper who was probably terrified in the large duffle bag tucked under my arm

it took around fifteen to twenty seconds before the door opened before us, revealing an older man looking quite tired and worked down to the bone. his confused look turned to concern and back to confusion, feeling both emotions for us pair standing out in the pouring rain

hobie opened the door wider and let us inside. before realizing i detangled our fingers from each other and look over at the older man, him taking me into a warm and loving embrace, one i hadn't ever felt from my own father. this one was real, and genuine

hobie had led the black haired boy and i upstairs to weltys old room, telling us we could stay however long we needed, and we were both more than grateful

i let popper explore the new room as boris changed out of his wet clothes, and i took in what was really happening around me in the moment. i ran away to new york with boris pavlikovsky

the taller boy pulled on a clean sweater and pair of sweatpants and walked over to me, an understanding yet concerned look clouding his face

"what's the problem?"

he asked me, his question seemed almost unreal. the answer was obvious, i didn't even have to say anything. boris just nodded and grabbed my shoulder

"is going to be okay potter, nothing to worry about"

he reassured me and sat down on the edge of the bed, looking up and smiling at me a bit. seeing him at all made my mood a little brighter each time, and the thought of being able to see him every day made my heart beat a little bit faster

after i changed out of my clothes, boris and i laid down in the large bed with popper in between us, how it was most normal nights, and as soon as i somehow started to doze off, the other boy sat up

"boris, what?"

i asked, my voice muffled and slurred as i shoved my face into the pillow i rested my head on. though i slept many hours on the bus, it wasn't good sleep, and running here was tiring as well. along with the thoughts circling my mind

boris picked up the small dog and moved him to the foot of the bed, shuffling closer to me. soon i felt an arm wrap around my waist and unsteady breathing to my right

i felt my heart beat faster as boris held me closer to him. i shifted to my side and there right in front of me was him. i could never find the right words to describe how beautiful boris pavlikovsky actually is. either the word didn't exist, or i was at a loss for words

he slowly opened his eyes and looked into mine. i had studied every part of his face before, but never quite this close, i never had the courage to get this close. yet he was almost god-like


boris whispered, soft yet raspy and comforting. his eyes searching my face and my eyes. my mind was racing though, i could barely reply with a small hum as he said my name

he seemed nervous as he bit the inside of his lip and took in a long breath, holding it in before sighing and leaning in too quick for me to register what was happening in the moment. his lips met mine, something i had been thinking about for probably far too long, finally happened

before i could think everything through, boris pulled away. he just sat and stared at me, probably waiting for a response of some sort, but i said nothing and he started to turn away to the other side of the bed

i grabbed his sweater sleeve and turned him back around to the way he was before, the moonlight shining on his face through the window, showing off his unreal features. i looked into his eyes and down to his lips, looking for a bit too long

i grabbed his face softly with my hand that wasn't holding me up on the bed, and moved my face closer to his until our noses were almost touching. boris leaned in and broke the space between us. this kiss was slow and passionate, unlike the last. this one was full of so many emotions and words we couldn't say or express

we pulled away at some point, but neither one of us wanting to. we both looked at each other in awe, almost speechless. i genuinely didnt know what to say, and for once i dont think he knew either


was all i could manage to say at that point honestly. i had been waiting for this for longer than i could keep track of

"yes, wow"

he chuckled and leaned his forehead on mine. his smile always brought me comfort, i loved it more than almost anything else. i love boris

i smiled back at him and we decuded silently to lay back down together, my head rested on his chest and his hand running through my hair. this felt right, this felt good

in this moment was the time i realized the only place home was, was with him

5:30am | 1,141 words

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