chapter five <3

936 20 18

boris pavlikovsky

when i woke up this morning, potter was still asleep, and our arms and legs were entwined with one another. i got up slowly and found a notebook and a pencil and wrote a note, explaining where i had gone. my father would be home soon, i needed to leave

i started on my way home after i set the note down on the small table next to his bed. when i walked through the door my father was already home, but he was passed out, empty bottles of vodka and every other type of liquor we had in the house was sprawled out around him. i rolled my eyes and started cleaning up a bit, trying to be as quiet as possible

"гребаный укол"

i muttered and threw the bottles in the trash, then headed upstairs to my room and sat on my bed, just thinking. i started drifting off into sleep and passed out there on my bed

i woke up to someone knocking on my front door, i jumped up and quickly but quietly ran down the stairs. whoever it was better be glad my father was absolutely knocked out


i yawned and opened the door, only to see potter standing there, tears staining is cheeks


i rubbed my eyes and quickly grabbed my shoes along with a few other things before stepping outside with him

"what happened?"

i asked him while i put my shoes on, actually quite concerned, id never seen him like this no matter how many times his dad did something or he had a bad dream or even spoke about his mother

"my dad happened"

potter said and looked down at the ground, kicking a rock. we started walking down the road, the sun was about to set, about thirty minutes maybe. he talked about what happened and i just walked by his side, listening. i realized now that his father really was a horrible person


i asked and pulled a pack of cigarettes out of my back pocket. he nodded and we made our way to the park, the same park we always went to

we sat on the swings, smoking until i pulled a pack of two small square shaped tablets out of my pocket

"you ready, potter?"

i smiled and he took one, i took one too. we put them under our tongues and let's them dissolve, it felt fucking weird, and after about five minutes, i felt fucking weird. this night was going to be amazing

1:23am | 423 words

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