chapter six <3

912 24 19

theodore decker

i felt really fucking weird, but in a really amazing way. boris and i wouldn't stop laughing as we made our way home, we walked down the middle of the road as the sun was almost out of sight and the stars were starting to show. as we walked up to the house, i stopped boris in his tracks

"nobody's supposed to be home"

i said, and looked over at him. we walked into the house together

"act normal"

i told him, and he nodded. as we walked over to the stairs, xandra stopped me, and boris went and sat on the stairs. had she been crying?

she told me that my father had left the house, he was drunk, and gotten into a car crash. i just watched her as tears started to fall from her eyes

"whens he coming home then?"

i asked her, and she shook her head, sobbing now

"hes dead, theo"

she collapsed into her friends arms and i just nodded and went to sit next to boris on the stairs

about an hour went by and boris got up suddenly, taking a glass of wine, he was high off his ass and got caught. xandras friend asked where he was going and the rest of the conversation went something like

"i didn't think you'd see me"

"you're too young to drink"


boris sat the drink back down and came atop sit next to me again, we started laughing more than breathing after this. this pissed xandra off

"your father is dead, you cant cry?"

i was so out of it, i continued to laugh

"at least i dont have to worry about you anymore"

she spat, my laugh and smile faded

"you thought id let you stay here? you're not my fucking kid"

reality hit me and practically knocked me off my feet. xandra sneered and walked back to her place on the couch, continuing to drink with her friends

boris and i went upstairs and i explained to him that we had to leave that night, preferably now


boris asked me and i explained to him. he just nodded as we both sat on my bed. i stood up and started packing


he asked me, and i told him we can get some from xandra and her friends, they were passed out by now. it wasnt surprising


boris said

"okay what...?"

i asked him, confused, still hurriedly packing

"i go with you"

he smiled and got up, helping me pack my things. i smiled too, and grabbed the painting from behind my bed, the one wrapped in newspaper that held too much value to me to ever give to anyone

"what about popchyk?"

boris asked me, concerned. i looked over at him and thought for a moment, i was not leaving him with xandra. looks like popper was coming with us too

after we were done packing my things, we got all the money we could and made our way to boris's house, getting his things as well. we called a taxi and walked back home, waiting

once the taxi arrived we both climbed in the backseat and i grabbed his hand with my own, i dont even know whose was shaking. we were going to new york. together

1:47am | 552 words

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