chapter two <3

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theodore decker

boris had spoken to me a total of two times today, just passing in the halls and in civics, and both times i didn't know what to say. i didn't know how to talk to people in general honestly, i had never known how to, especially with newer people

i thought a bit while i sat on the bus, as usual. boris sat next to me like he had the day before. we didn't speak much. just simple hellos until we got off the bus

"let's go, potter"

boris said, and gestured me over under his stupid black umbrella that made so much sense for him to have. this time, we went to my house. my dad wasn't home, and xandra could care less. when we walked through the door, popper greeted me as usual, jumping on my legs and barking. i knelt down and picked him up, then let boris inside

"what's his name?"

he asked and pet the small dog


i responded as i put him back on the floor to let him run off

"little popchyk"

boris said happily, i had no idea what he was talking about, but i didn't question. i had no idea what he was talking about most of the time anyways. boris insisted on going to the shops, so i reluctantly agreed, then off we went. we walked to the store under his, once again, stupid black umbrella. we walked around and boris shoved a pair of sunglasses up his sleeve

i rolled my eyes and grabbed a steak, i was hungry, and xandra wouldn't feed me, she didn't care that much about me. boris pushed me to the side as we walked out of the store and i pushed him back, it went back and forth until we left

once we arrived back at my house, i cooked the steak and boris just rummaged through cabinets and drawers. once my steak was one i sat down at the table and boris pulled out a bag with a label "v" on it

"what is this?"

boris asked, smiling

"vitamins, xandras"

i said and boris just laughed

"vitamins? this isn't v for vitamins potter, is vicodin! can get you high"

he said and came and sat down next to me, he took a piece if my steak and gave it to popper, or popchyk as he called him. he said some shit in russian that i didn't know, i liked it

"good boy"

he said to the little white dog and turned to me, that was cute. i thought he was pretty cute, if im not lying to myself, which i normally am

i just watched him for a while, i watched how he smiled and laughed at things people normally wouldn't laugh at, he was very different. being different wasnt a bad thing, im different too, but for other reasons i think

a few weeks passed, maybe two or three, and we hung out after school every day. sometimes at my house, sometimes at his - mainly at mine though, boris hated being home. his father was a bigger prick than mine

today we were at my house, sitting outside, laying on the concrete surrounding the large pool in my backyard. i dont even remember what we were talking about, but boris asked about my mother. so i told him, im not sure why though, because i dont tell people this

i told him everything about the bombing, what i could remember at least. i told him about pippa and just everything. before i knew what was happening, i felt tears stinging my eyes and falling down the sides of my face

boris just listened, then he stood up and looked down at me

"swim, potter"

he stated, it wasn't a question, more of him just telling me. i stood up and nodded. we jumped in the pool and swam for about an hour before we got out. we were both a bit drunk and high and very tired. many nights boris slept here, and i was more than okay with that

i woke up in a sweat, yelling - it was too normal now. i looked to my right and there he was, where he always was, and put his arm around my shoulders

"shh potter, is okay. just bad dream, yes?"

he said softly over and over, he did this every night, and i was very grateful that he did. i liked his voice and the way he smelled, even now when he smelled of chlorine that masked the scent of his cheap vodka and cigarettes, i liked being around him. and before i knew it i was drifting back to sleep in his arms

8:16am | 785 words

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