9. It's a date ( pt.2)

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North takes his date to the local bus, heading to their first stop in the city, Liquido kept looking at the window, admiring at the whole new scenery while slowly observing what's around him since he has spent almost his entire life on the ocean in a very advanced floating stadium.

  You're gonna love all of these places that I chose, including sightseeing and eating of course. " North tells his date while checking on his phone and looks at him till the bus arrives at the first stop " Here we are. Let's go. " he walks out, hops off and starts walking towards their destination and Liquido following after.


    So, where are we headed dude?" the blue haired asks, very curious of where are they're going, and of course, North keeps quiet while grinning, and begin to hold his hand until they approach the streets filled with stores and restaurants and bars on both sides, at the end of the street, there's a huge park with a wide open space that's enough for the people to play, have a picnic or enjoying themselves in nature.

  Wow.. this is.. so much bigger than back home. Well, except for being on water of course. " Liquido says, impressed and with sarcasm along with it, following by a soft laugh before seeing North going to some of the stalls on the left, asking to buy a colourful football from the stall owner and thanking him later, and  gesturing Liquido to play on the field. The surfer gives out his signature smirk at his blonde date, he approaches him, standing a distance between him and ball on the ground " Are you ready to play? " North asks him with a determined face, Liquido chuckles with a smirk " You're the one who's gonna sink down and taste defeat. "

   Ready? One.. two.. three!!! Game on! " North gives the signal to start the mini game, ready to run after the soccer ball and kick it ; the ball is still on his feet while running in the opposite direction away from the other male, unfortunately Liquido is fast enough to chase after him as usual, he's able to tackle the ball out from his feet and pushes out to take it out to him, running to the back with a confident grin, North groans softly but manages to keep a smile on his face while chasing after him, trying to get in front of him in order to block his way towards the small goal right in front of him, catching the blue haired with surprise " Not even one shot from me, North? Even on our first date? " he pleaded

" Nice try, but I'm not falling into your tricks again. " North joked until he realizes that his date had managed to kick up the ball in the air above his head, he uses the headbutt to kick the ball across the place, almost hitting North on the face like a fireball and then Liquido runs off next to him, kicking the ball towards the goal but North has managed to keep up with his pace, tackling him once again, making the ball to lose from his feet and bounces off.

  " Aww man.. that's too bad. I guess we call this match even. " North finally spoke after an intense but short match, looking at his date with concern and curiosity if he's doing okay " Liquido..? Are we cool? " he asks slowly and the blue haired looks back at him and offers his hand to help North to get up back on his feet " That felt weird.. it doesn't felt like we were playing against each other or trying to win or lose... It was fun. " he smiles gently, that makes the blonde to blush a little, seeing how cute his date actually is, because this isn't a bad or sly smile he usually sees from him of the days when they are facing each other during the matches.


Cha. Of course it is! " North smiled widely, kissing on his cheek and holds his hand " Since we're done with football, how about taking a nice and relaxing walk right here for a few minutes? " he wraps his arm around his date and Liquido kisses on his cheek in return" Why not? "

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