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They say in everyone's story there's a defining chapter in their life, the climax, the chapter that povits their life for better or for worse.

My name is Cole Parker Blane and I want to share that my pivotal chapter with you.

As most would, mine began with a commonly use hook. An argument, if you could call it that...

"Cole. Cole stop"

I know it sounds cold but I continued to ignore my mother's please.

I've had enough. Enough of this 'family'. Enough of her. Enough of it all. I push my way through the overbearing and complaining crowd in the lobby.

My jaw clenched so hard it felt like I would push my teeth back into my gums, and I knew my hair was a mess, not like I'd made an effort to style it to begin with.

I kept walking but I could hear her heels clicking against the floor as she rushed after me along with her voice softly apologizing to the people I'd pushed out of my way.

"Cole calm down" she pleaded when she caught up to me, but I'd already pushed the elevator button, impatiently waiting for it to arrive. "This is not the place or time to be acting out again" her hand wrapped around the back of my arm.

"Don't fucking touch me then." I spat pulling my arm from her grasp. "I'd hate for you to have to be in contact with such a disgusting creature" God this has got to be the slowest elevator ever.

The doors finally slide opened and I stepped in then turned back to face her. "Go back to your family. The people you love, I'm not one of them anymore  so don't waste your breath on me" my eyes met her's as the doors began to close once more. "Sarah"

"Cole-" her voice was soft and tears balanced in her eyes, but the thick metal doors closed between us allowing me to take a breath

The AC and TV were still on when I entered the room, I rumaged through my suitcase looking for all my warm clothing.

"All I want is a normal fucking family" I grumbled, pulling layers of clothes over my black turtle neck.


"To be a normal fucking kid" I set back on the bed to pull on my shoes.


"Oh shut the fuck up" I snapped grabbing the remote and shutting off the television. I took my phone out of my pocket and tossed it onto the bed before quickly rushing down the steps, I wish I'd thought of using earlier, and slipped out the resorts back door unnoticed.

The higher up the slope and the harder the wind blew, and snow went into my eyes. The whooshing of the wind got to the point I could barely keep my eyes open, and I grew more unsure about my desicion to do this.

"Shit" I mumbled feeling my foot sink into the snow. I sighed and put my arms around my leg and yanked it out. Unfortunately due to the unstable footing I lost balance and found myself sliding down the slope, too fast to stop myself.

I only came to a stop when my back roughly hit something, practically knocking all the air out of me. I pulled myself to my feet and realized I'd hit a wall. It looked like a small cabin and was already starting to be barcaded with walls of snow.

Without much thought I pulled myself to the front and knocked, there was no response so I slowly opened the door and stepped in away from the growing snowstorm.

It wa so warm and cozy. The fireplace was dimly lit. In the small livingroom a couch sat on a fur rug with a wooden table in front of it.

"Hello!" I called out creeping in and shutting the door behind me. "Is anyone here?"

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