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Two years ago

Ever since his dad died, Parker understandably hasn't been the same. He never wanted to go out, and he didn't go on long rants about the books he was reading. But I don't blame him. I couldn't imagine going through what he's going through right now.

We spent all our time in my house watching movies and talking and playing games. It was just the two of us like it always has been and we both liked it that way.

At first I was scared that his new siblings would take him away from me, because whenever I went over they made it clear they didn't like me. Not like I liked them either.

I didn't get a chance to see him the whole day before the wedding because he was at rehearsal, but we still texted whenever he could get to his phone. I tried to keep him calm but I always wished I could have done more for him.

"Leroy, do you have your suit for tomorrow out?" My mom asked coming into my room. Neither her or dad would be coming to the wedding because of 'work', but I think it's really because she isn't friends with Parker's mom anymore.

I nodded, looking up from my phone to her. After she wished me goodnight and left. I picked up my phone when I heard it chime with the special notification Parker had set for himself as a joke.

I looked at the screen and my eyebrows furrowed. I read the text over and over but it just wasn't making sense.

Parker💚: Hey man I need a favour or two. One don't come for the wedding tomorrow, and two after the wedding I need you to meet me at seven pm exactly. You know the spot.

Also please don't tell your parents you're meeting me. Just make up some lie about where you are and who your with for the night. Thanks bro

Why wouldn't he want me to go to the wedding? and lie to my parents on top of that too? I should have questioned it more, but Parker had never asked me to do something like this before so it must be important.

I followed through with what he asked. That morning I got dressed for the wedding, let my parents gush and take pictures before they left for work, then I took it off and flopped back on my bed.

I was worried for Parker. That text didn't feel like him. It was worded so awkwardly and never in our entire lives had Parker used the word bro.

It made me think something was really wrong, but he wouldn't pick up the phone and my texts weren't going through.

So when the time came I lied to my mom about how beautiful the wedding was and how while I was there Mike invited me and a few of the soccer guys over. It felt horrible. I'd never lied to her about something big before but I was doing it for Parker.

That's what I told myself, even as I sat out in the freezing winter cold under the tree we marked as our special spot. Alone. I sat for hours and hours until I felt my fingers and face went numb but it was ok because Parker needed me.

Two long hours of me sitting out there, freezing and he still wouldn't pick up his phone, but I got a notification from an odd number an opened it.

xxx-xxx-xxx : Consider yourself officially ditched loser.

There was a video attached and never in my life had I felt my heart break as it did then.

Parker was dancing in the mists of a party with all sorts of flashing lights. "Hey Cole, what do you have to say to Leroy?" A voice behind the camera asked.

"Screw him. I don't have time for fake friends" Parker shouted, his voice wa strained and words were slurred. Then the video cut off and I tried not to cry as I switched apps and tapped on everyone's story.

Both his new siblings along with their friends had posted videos of this party and in each and every one Parker was there. It was undeniably him. Happy and dancing away while I froze in the cold. Because he needed me

The rest of the break I didn't get a text or call from him. According to their social media stories him and his siblings have been hanging out every day. Shopping, and partying. Then the break came to an end and we were back for our last semester of eight grade.

He acted like I didn't exist. He'd changed, and not in the way I meant before. He now styled his hair and wore all designer clothing, and went by Cole even though he'd always hated that name. He also walked past me like I didn't exist and laughed differently.

I had to watch my best friend move on without me. He had new friends now, and no matter how much I wanted him back, whenever I even thought about approaching him that video played in my head, and stopped me in my tracks.

So I accepted it. That summer before highschool started I tossed out the vision board we made for high school and made my own. I also changed my hair and my friend group. I focused on soccer and spent the whole summer at the gym working out. 

I made friends and went to parties too, and there I found myself. I kissed guys and I cried all night about it. Then I kissed girls then I was confused. Then I found myself and came out as bisexual.

But no matter how happy I was when I came out, or made the soccer team. I still missed my best friend because he left a hole not even an entire group could fill.

And when freshman year came around Parker and I hadn't gone into it together like we planned. We went into it as enemies who hated everything about each other.  We only made mean remarks to eachother the entire semester.

Next we knew it it's winter break of sophomore year and I was going up to my family cabin for vacation. All I could think about was the fact that it had officially been two full years since the time I last called Cole Parker Blane my best friend.

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