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Cole Parker Blane

"Would you do that for me?" I asked looking over at Loery with a curious gaze.

He slowly pulled his eyes from the James Bond movie on the screen to me. "What push you out of the way and risk my life? Or kiss you?" He asked bluntly with a teasing smirk. "The answer is still yes."

"Obviously not the second one you idiot" I sighed hitting the back of his head. "You can make out with your soccer friends. You practically already do" I smiled as I brought up the pillow to hit him once more.

He grabbed the pillow just as I was about to hit him again and pulled it down just low enough for our eyes to meet and said "It's not gay if you have socks on" before we both burst out in laughter.

I have socks on and I'm sure he does too...but I'm pretty sure having his lips on mine is pretty gay, not only that but it feels so right. I put my hands on his chest and my fingers curled into firsts on his shirt. But I couldn't decide whether to push him away or pull him in.

Never had I thought I'd actually be here kissing Leroy Katz. I kept my fists balled in his shirt as he slowly lowered me down onto the bed and I let him. That was until I felt his weight on top of me and it all seemed to settle in.

I outstretched my arms, pushing him away and creating space between us. When our eyes met and our panting slowly stilled I could see it in his eyes the moment it all registered.

"Shit" he mumbled staring down at me, still panting slightly.

"Shit indeed" I breathed out. I still had a hold on to his shirt and he propped himself up on his arms above me with his body between my legs. "Loery-"

"I know. We probably shouldn't" he said slowly. "But I really don't want to stop" his voice was heavy and that was all it took for me to say. Fuck it.

"Me neither" before he could respond I pulled him back in and as our lips met once more he let out a surprised gasp and then kissed me back.

I don't know what it was about him that's driving me mad. Kissing him wasn't like all those boys I kissed to experiment. Sure I felt something then, but it was nothing like this. This was so raw and so natural it was like creating electricity with just our bodies and it caused through my veins in a way that was giving me life.

My whole body felt hot and when he pulled away to breathe I was already craving his lips on mine again.

"You know we're pretty fucking screwed" Leroy breathed out when we pulled back for a moment. I knew what he meant. Once this moment was over and we both regained our senses it was all going downhill.

"I know," I said flipping us over so I was straddling him. "But honestly fuck it."

Leroy grinned and wrapped his arms around my waist. "Maybe I don't hate everything about the new you"

I scoffed and leaned down. "Too bad because I still can't stand your guts"

"Really?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

I rolled my eyes as he pushed farther back in an attempt to move away when I didn't answer. "Well maybe not your lips"

"I can live with that" he smirked pushing my hair out of my face.

Our eyes scanned each other. His have always been a darker brown than mine, and I followed the slow shifts as they examined me.

I was still straddling him, with both my arms beside his head holding me up. He had one hand on my waist and the other frozen behind my ear along with the hair he was tucking away.

The playful atmosphere had melted and the weight was settling in. In the way, his fingers tightened against my waist and his muscles stuffed I knew it was a silent plea not to run.

I admit I wanted to, so badly. I felt embarrassed and confused and so many things. My head was a mess. I mean I hated him a few minutes ago, then we were friends and now I'm making out with him.

"Parker..." Now I tensed. He'd called me that twice now. His voice was deep and rooting, willing me not to run this time. He could see me thinking about it, and when I didn't move he still didn't relax.

I leaned down closer to him and switched to using my elbows to support myself so I was low enough. "I'm not going to run this time" I mumbled softly.

"But?" He asked sensing the hesitation in my voice.

"But we shouldn't do this" I finished with a sigh as I hit my head against his chest and bit my lip. "I mean, we've just reconnected and.."

"I get it" his hand moved from my hair and wrapped around my back. "I don't want to lose you again either"

I felt embarrassed, but I couldn't bring myself to move from his grasp because the last person who had held me like this, was still him only two years ago. I couldn't help it and let out a soft sob. I bet I looked ridiculous I mean why the heck am I even crying? But Leroy never  judged me and that's why I let it all out.

He gently rubbed my back and kissed my temple, telling me it was all ok. He told me that I was fine, and I believed him because I found comfort in his words, in him.

I wish our story came to an end here. Just the two of us Snowbound in a cabin together, happy and being ourselves. So this is where I'll end it.

I won't tell you about all the drama that transpired when we left that cabin.  Nobody will hear the rest of our story, yet there's so much of it.

How I was cold towards him when we went back to school.

When he cursed me out and we both said some pretty shitty things.

How I run to his house in the middle of the night in tears about how much I loved him and how much it hurt to be without him.

My family never really accepted me and I grew to be ok with that because Loery showed me that I didn't need their validation or anyone else's to be me. I was free. I also like to think I'd taught him a few things, I'm not sure what that would be actually.

I wish I could give you more. answers, but a lot of it remains a mystery to us today. We'd never understand why my "siblings" did what they did to split us apart. Or why we never simply confronted each other about it, but there was no use in dwelling on the past when I had my future quite literally in my hands.

If I were to give you our entire story I'd still be going on and on. It's filled with tears and laughs and cries and arguments, but those are all different chapters of our lives.

Leroy likes to imagine that when our story does come to an end, we'll be growing old together in a cabin up on the mountains. Somewhere we can be Snowbound once more and wrapped in our only little cacoon like now.

As much as I pretend to gag every time he brings it up... I'd love nothing more. I'm going to marry him. I swear it, I'll get down on one knee for this boy.

But enough about that, remember when I talked about that one pivotal chapter in everyone's life? Well, this was it for me and Leroy. This is arguably the most important chapter in our story. 

The time we found ourselves Snowbound.

Make sure to vote for the bonus chapter (it's the next chapter)

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