| Bonus Chapter 1 Part II |

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Parker Pov.

"Oh look at my son, you look so beautiful dear" Leroy's mom smiled pulling me into tight hug. She gushed about how perfect my suit fit and how beautiful everything is and I talked to her about how nervous and excited I am and we laughed and smiled.

But it wasn't the same with her. My biological mom that is, she  just stood there, arms crossed and lips pressed into a thin line as she looked at me. I was running out of fake creases to smooth out on my suit, but the atmosphere was too tense for me to look up.

"It looks nice" she finally said.

I only nodded and gave a low hum. Last time we spoke was more than five years ago at my high school graduation.

"I'm sorry Cole-"

"Parker. My name is Parker" I said turning to look at her. "You don't have to be here. It's hard for you it's hard for me, so let's not bother"

"No!" She cleared her throat and shuffled slightly. "I want to be here. I mean you're getting married for christs sake"

"To a man" I reminded her.

Her cheeks turned a bright red from embrasement and she looked down, shuffling again. "I haven't been a good mom, like ever, but this is big Co- Parker. I couldn't not be here. "

"Every part of my life is big to me. But you were never there and this is no different." I really didn't want to cry, not today. "You were never here for me and the only reason you got an invite is because I promised Leroy I'd try, but I can't. I can't do it. For you, it's just your way of consoling yourself for being a bad mom to me. It's not for me" She remained silent and took a step back and I felt guilt rack my insides. "I'm sorry, just please let me have this one day to be happy. It's supposed to be the best of my life after all"

We stood in silence and I blinked back the tears.

"I understand." She stepped forward and frowned when I flinched but gave me a hug anyway.

I didn't hug her back because we hadn't hugged since I was thirteen.

"Who's walking you down the isle?" She asked stepping back. I could see the sadness in her eyes.

I looked away. "Im not walking down isle, Leroy is" I said turning around. "Even if it's not for the right reasons. Thank you for coming."

She nodded and left allowing me to turn back to the mirror and let out a deep breath. I wanted nothing more than to be cuddled in Leroy's chest letting out my feelings about what just happened, but I hadn't seen him the whole day.

It was all worth it for the moment I did though. Unlike my plain white one, his suit had gold detailing and his hair was braided back into conrows—im so glad he decided to grow it out—and his eyes shone as much as his smile.

Now I didn't mind if this was the moment I cried. His dad smiled at me as he dropped Leroy off at the alter before going to his seat.

"Holy shit, can we just go fuck right now?" Leroy whispered to me causing me a chuckle through the tears brimming in my eyes.

"You horny fuck. We're getting married" I smiled. "But as long as you have that hairstyle you're not sleeping a wink"

He didn't get a chance to respond before. Austin—who'd happily agreed to be our officiant—stepped up to the podium between us.

It wasn't a large ceremony, and it was just in a little crowd of our friends and family, most of the family was Leroy's but a few from my dads side were her and I think my mom was still around.

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