| Bonus Chapter 1 part I |

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and yes you read that right, it is chapters, plural. The 'proposal/marriage 'and 'slice of life in the future' both tied and  I didn't wanna pick one so here you go! Thank you all so much for supporting me and my books I appreciate it so freak much <3

Leroy Katz

"Um to be honest I feel so ridiculous right now" I sigh running my hands over my face and letting out an exasperated sigh. "But Parker does this all the time so I thought I'd give it a shot"

I squat down and stare at the grave stone in front of me. "I really really really like your son" I say looking around. "So I just wanted to do this. I mean I always come with Parker but I thought I should talk to you one on one"

The lady a few rows down gives me and odd look and I look back down. "I plan to propose to him tonight and I just wanted to let you know because you're his father and so dear to him" I say softly. "I know he'll say yes but I'm still so afraid.  I don't know why. My hands keep shaking every time I hold the ring- oh wait"

I pull it out from my pocket and open the small sapphire box turning it to his gravestone. "I think it's beautiful" it's a simple ring with a white diamond in crested on the silver band. "I hope he thinks so too"

"But I guess we'll find out tonight" there's a moment of silence as the breeze runs by. "Its predicted to start snowing so it'll be perfect. And I know we're still really young and most people are just starting to date at twenty five, but I know Park is the one for me, and now that we're finally both done with school and have stable jobs I think it's time"

As I get up I tuck the ring away and let out another breath. "He was right though, once you get used to it talking to you helps. I just know you'd be so proud of your son right now. Did you know he got a promotion recently? He was so excited" I smiled softly at the memory. "He's an amazing person so I hope to make him happy for as long as I live, it's all I want to do so wish me good luck. Dad"

When I get home it's already started to lightly snow and I take a deep breath before stepping out of my car. At the door I'm greeted by snowball, our dog. Which for the record, Parker brought home one day without telling me, but I can't deny that I'm already so attached to the little ball of white fluff.

"Babe!" I slide of my shoes and wander upstairs to our bedroom. Parker lay asleep out on the bed. I chuckle walking over and sitting besides him.

"You're such an ugly sleeper" I mumbled running a hand through his hair. His mouth is slightly open and his hair is a mess, falling all over his face. "But I think it's so cute" I say planting a kiss on his forehead.

"You're so mean" he mumbled rolling onto his back and taking my hand into his. "At least I don't snore" he says smirking at me with closed, tired eyes. I let out a laugh and he looks over at me. "Where were you?"

"Working overtime"

"You're bad a lying Leroy" he sighs sitting up. "But I'll let it go" he kisses my nose and slides off the bed. "Do you have plans tonight?" He asks rummaging through our drawers.

I shake my head falling back on the bed. "No, I was thinking we could go to Giveons and have dinner to watch the snow from the balcony"

"I don't know, I don't feel like going out tonight" he sighs pulling out a towel. "Maybe we should just stay home and watch a movie. I can cook if you're tired"

"I may, have already made a reservation" I mumbled pushing up and looking over at him apologetically.

Parker let out a sigh and walked over. "What am I going to do with you?" He mumbled leaning down and I wrapped my arms around his waist.

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