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Leroy Katz

"Parker! Over here" I shouted waving my hand. When he saw me his cheeks flushed and he quickly walked over, grabbing my hand and lowering it.

"No need to shout" he quietly whispered, looking around. "You're always so loud"

I let out a laugh and wrapped an arm around his shoulder, pulling him along. "You were amazing, as always of course" I chuckled.

We came to a stop a little away from the crowd of parents and students, and Parker slid the gold medal off from around his neck and onto mine before I could stop him.

"Hey wha-?"

"I want you to keep it," He said shyly.

"But it's your first spelling bee prize. It's special" I protested, about to give it back.

Parker put his hand over mine to stop me. "That's exactly why I want you to have it. I couldn't have done it without you anyway."

I looked down at the worn-out metal circle in my hand, and a small smile spread on my face. I had told myself I only kept it because I forgot about it, and I only carried it with me most places because I wanted to give it back to him. of course it was a lie.

After Parker finished telling his side of the story I didn't get the chance to say anything before he jumped off the counter and rushed into his room. My guess was that he's embarrassed because it's the first time he's ever said any of it out loud or even talked about his feelings in general.

So I decided to give him some space and went to my room too when I remembered this was still at the bottom of my suitcase.

I wondered how Parker would react if he knew I still had it. I tightened my fingers around it and got up, heading to his bedroom door.

When I knocked the first time I didn't get a response so I knocked again, and again until it was clear he just planned on not answering.

"Hey, can you open the door?" I asked knocking once more, still nothing so I just sat down and rested against it leaning my head back just below the knob. "If you're embarrassed about opening up you shouldn't be"

"I'm not" It sounded like he was also just on the other side of the door.

"Then why won't you let me in?" I asked fiddling with the medal

He was silent for a moment before letting out a sigh. "I don't want to explode at you...Talking about it made me feel so much I haven't felt in so long. and I'm still so explosive. Everyone knows I can't control my temper, It's kind of my trademark if you haven't noticed" he said with a houmorless chuckle

"I won't take it to heart if you do. I promise"

"That's not the point Leroy." He sounded frustrated but I knew It was more at himself than me. "Laila and the others were right. I'm just a ticking time bomb and I blow up and ruin everything good around me. It's just, I don't know how to not."

"Then let me help you, and before you say it. No, I'm not trying to play therapist to be like my dad" I chuckled trying to lighten the mood. "I know your like that because you really never get any other outlet" He remained silent and I felt a light thud on the door. "Can you open the door?"

"Will you ever leave if I don't?"

"Absolutely not," I said with a small smile. "Plus we made a deal, so you still have to listen to my side of the story" I felt no movement so I just added. "Come on Parker, just open the door"

Before I knew it my back hit the ground with a Thud and Parker stared down at me with a plain. expression.

"You used my middle name," He said.

"Want me to stop?" I raised an eyebrow as I sat up and turned to him.

He turned away from me, walking into the room. "No, it's just that nobody calls me that anymore. You were probably the last one who did"

"But you've always preferred it because it's the name your dad chose," I said sitting beside him on the bed.

He peered over at me, probably surprised I remembered or brought it up but a small smile spread on his face as he nodded. Then his gaze landed on the object in my hand.

"Remember this?" I asked lifting it for him to see. He was silent for a moment before shaking his head. "It's from your first spelling bee"

"you- You kept it?" His eyes scanned over the small pendant and then up to me. "Why?"

"I don't know. I just couldn't throw it away" I shrugged putting it down beside me.

"Well, at least now I feel better about keeping the toy car you gave me" He admitted.

I raised an eyebrow at him. "The blue one?"

He nodded and let out a chuckle. "Yea, it's on the top shelf in my room so my excuse is that I forget it's there and it's too far"

I let out a laugh leaning back on my arms. "I guess some things don't change. You're still short"

"We're the same height you ass" he shot back with a glare.

"Oh, yea. Shit, I really miss fifth grade now" I stifled a laugh as I turned my head in his direction to see him smiling too. We sent silent and averted eye contact as an awkward atmosphere filled the room now. "I guess I should tell my part now," I said after a moment.

"Yea, go ahead. I won't interrupt you. I promise"

"Ok, well I'm just gonna say it first. Our stories don't match up at all, because I remember you sending me a text the night before the wedding"

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