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I tried every door and window I could find, and sure enough none even budged causing me to slumped back on the couch in defeat. It'd only been about an hour and I already felt like I'm in hell. Leroy hadn't left his room nor had I bothered to do anything.

I'm not even sure at what point I dozed off but I woke up to a kick to my side. It wasn't hard or painful but it was enough to jerk me awake.

"What the fuck?" I snapped glaring up at Leroy as I sat up and wiped the drool from my cheek, hoping he hadn't noticed.

"Go to bed dumbass"

"Huh?" I looked around but the room looked the exact same. "What time is it?"

"Hell should I know? If you're tired go to bed"

"Well that's what I was doing before you woke me" I said glaring at him.

Leroy just rolled his eyes and grabbed my arm, yanking me off the couch. "Look Blane. I'm tired, you're tired. Let's help each other out here and just go sleep" he said dragging me behind him and only stopping to grab two gas lamps from a cabinet.

"You sleep here I'll take my parents room." Leroy said pushing me into a room that was obviously his. "Bathroom is down the hall. If you need anything...figure it out"

"Gee thanks" I said dryly but he'd already left, slaming the door behind him. The room was basically bare and I couldn't help but think he'd been clearing it up. After making sure the lamp was off, I hesitantly slid into bed and stared at the roof above.

Suddenly all the sleep I had vanished, and to my surprise it wasn't even Leroy or the situation we were in that was taking up my mind. It was my so called family. I thought back to that morning breakfast.

"Couldn't he have just stayed home?" My 'brother' mumbled

Only for my 'sister' to agree "Yea, he's so embarrassing"

"Guys. Cole is still your brother. You can't say that about him" their father whispered.

"Please just continue trying to be friends with him" my mother pleaded.

"We have for like a year. Trust me I did everything to try an make him cool and hang but I'm on my last nerve"

None of them saw me standing just behind the table until I slammed my plate on the table and stormed off.

Right, they wouldn't care, and part of me knew that. They were just waiting for something like this to happen, to rid me from their lives so they could be a perfect family.

I know ever since my dad died all I've been is a burden to mom, and every day I wish I could just disappear for her sake...and mine.

It was only when I sniffled that I register the tears slowly rolling down the sides of my face. I sat up and wiped them off my face. I'm such a mess.

~ ~ ~ ~

"I was hoping you died in your sleep"

I glanced at Leroy who was seated on the kitchen counter, sipping something from a plain white mug.

"Me too," I said with a sarcastic and obviously forced smile. "Where's breakfast?"

"I'm not your nanny, Blane" he scoffed, jumping off the counter top. "Waters in the tap, I'm sure you can figure out how to work a stove and kettle" he said leaving the kitchen.

I sighed and glanced to the stove where a kettle sat. I filled it with water then set it on the stove....Now to figure out how to work this thing. I twisted the knob but nothing happened.

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