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I looked up at my best friend and smiled as he dropped into the seat across from me. "What are you doing in here?"
"You know I don't do sports," I said looking back down at the book in my lap. "Why are you here?"

"I was looking for you," he said putting his arm on the table between us and resting his head on it, watching me intently. "It's not fun without you there"

"you're very dramatic" I sighed looking over at him with an amused face. "So what do you want?"

"You to come play soccer with me," he said trying to pull puppy eyes. "Please Parker, just one game"

"No way. You know the others will make fun of me" I sighed. "Plus as I said. It's just not my thing"

"If they dare do anything I'll punch them in the face" he grinned showing me his fist. I grimaced and pulled his hand down.  "It was a joke. Please don't lecture me on violence again"

I rolled my eyes and shut the book, letting out a laugh. "Fine I'll play one game then I'm out, ok?"

He jumped up and wrapped an arm around my shoulder pulling me out to the field where the rest of our classmates were. "This is why we're best friends"

I sucked in a breath and then run a hand through my hair. Do you know what's worse than a nightmare? A flashback.

A nightmare is an imaginary situation, sure it's terrifying, but it's probably never going to happen. A flashback on the other hand forces you to re-live and think about memories you've been trying to suppress. It brings back all sorts of feelings and in my case, I'm not sure what they are.

I don't know if I feel guilty, angry, or sad. My heart just feels heavy and that's enough for me to know it's not anything good.

I slip out of the bed and stand at the door. I haven't seen or spoken to Leroy since our 'fight' yesterday and I have a feeling this one isn't like the others we just blow over and forget. We're probably not going to move past it unless one of us apologizes. But I refuse to apologize because I did nothing wrong and he probably won't either so that leaves us stuck.

In all seriousness though, I'm not sure what to expect. Maybe we'll fight again, maybe we'll ignore each other, maybe nothing will change.

When I walk into the living room he's nowhere to be found and that doesn't ease the knot in my stomach, maybe I should be happy that I get to avoid him longer.

I make myself some breakfast which was just a slice of buttered bread and sat on the counter, staring at the kettle on the stove but my mind couldn't help but think about Leroy.

It's no surprise we'll have to interact eventually but I just think if we both avoid each other, we can drag it out for long enough. I just don't see us talking again for a while.


And maybe I spoke way too soon.

"Cole" I corrected glancing up at him.

"Whatever your name is" Leroy sighed and leaned on the counter. "I'm not saying I'm forgiving you-"

"I didn't ask for your forgiveness"

"Will you just let me fucking speak before I un-swallow my pride and leave?" he said glaring at me.

I put the last piece of the bread in my mouth and nodded "Ok go on"

"About yesterday." He walked over to the stove, lit it up, then filled the kettle with water and set it on top of the flame. "I'm not apologizing- so don't mistake this for what it's not, but I think we should give that truce idea another shot"

"Yea because it turned out so great last time" I snorted. "We didn't even last a minute. In fact, we were getting along better without it and that says a lot"

"So we add a rule. We don't bring up the past or anything to do with it" I watched him as he looked around the kitchen. "What happened happened. We were kids, I think it's time we moved past it"

"We both know we're never really going to but whatever you say" I sighed sliding off the counter. " But I get to add a rule too."

"If it's reasonable, why not" Leroy shrugged.

"When we get rescued and leave this cabin. This whole thing didn't happen. We didn't get stuck here. No truce was made. In fact, we didn't even see each other this break"

"Deal. We can go back to hating, or not tolerating each other" Leroy pushed off the counter and reached his arm out. "Reasonable enough?"

"Sounds good to me," I said shaking his hand.

"Oh and since we're being nicer now. You can borrow some of my clothes and take a shower" he said walking away. "You're starting to stink up the place"

"Wow thanks," I said sarcastically, but once he was gone I lifted my shirt to my nose and sniffed it. "Yea alright," I mumbled gagging slightly.

The second I was under the shower and streaming water filled the room. It was like I was at peace. I didn't think about my family or Leroy or school. It was just me. In my own little bubble.

That was until I heard the bathroom door open. After the initial panic, I stuck my head out of the shower curtain to glare at Leroy.

"What the fuck?" I snapped holding the curtain so only my face was visible.

"What? I was just bringing you a towel" he said placing it down on the counter. "Or is that too nice? I'm new to this whole being nicer to you thing"

I couldn't help but let out a small laugh and roll my eyes. "Just don't expect as much from me, yea?"

"I wouldn't dare. I don't think you're capable of it" he said heading for the door.

"Is that a challenge?"

"Maybe it is" he called out as he shut the door behind him. And in that moment all I could think was. That was almost like old times, I miss it.

I shook the thoughts from my head and stood under the stream of water letting my thoughts just evaporate. I don't miss it, nor do I miss him.

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