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"Mom are you home?" Izuku asked as he entered his mother's home after unlocking the door

"In the kitchen." The feminine voice called

Izuku quickly took his shoes off at the genken and walked towards the kitchen.
"Hey how was work?" He said greeting his mother who was still in her plain maroon scrubs

"Good. What about you?" Inko asked looking over at him after she turned on the oven

"It was fine. Same old, same old." Izuku shrugged

"Yeah I feel you." Inko nodded with a giggle

Izuku chewed his lip worriedly as he thought about how he wanted to approach this subject with his mother. The subject of leaving his whole life behind basically to free a fishman. Is was completely insane. Izuku knew that, but it felt like the right thing to do. It was the right thing to do.

"Mom can we talk about something?" He said finally

Inko nodded as she cleaned up her mess on the faded light blue counter top.
"Is something wrong?" She asked

Izuku shook his head as he crossed his arms.
"No. No. It's just... I'm leaving." He said

"What?" Inko looked over at him with wide eyes as the other dropped his arms

Izuku rubbed the back of his neck.
"I'm leaving and I'm doing something crazy." He laughed humorlessly

Inko put her rag down and crossed her arms leaning her back side against the counter.
"Izuku what are you talking about?" She asked

"You remember Kacchan?" Izuku asked with a sigh

Inko rose her eyebrows.
"You mean Dynamight the merman?" She questioned

"Yeah." Izuku nodded

"What about him?" Inko frowned

Izuku bite hit lip again before answering.
"I'm going to return him to the sea." He said with a firm nod

"What?!" Inko squawked making the other flinch

"He's lonely mom and he misses his family. He should be in the ocean where he belongs." Izuku defended

"Izuku he's just a fish." Inko told him

Izuku clenched his fists to his side.
"No he's not! He's a person with feelings, dreams, likes, a lot of dislikes, and he wants to go home." He said sternly

Inko sighed covering her face in shock.
"You were always so caring."

"I don't just care about him. I love him." Izuku told her

Inko looked over at her son abruptly.

Izuku nodded.
"Yes and I'm going to release him back into the sea where he should be." He said firmly

Izuku clearly didn't like the idea but her son was an adult so honestly she couldn't do anything to stop him.
"Alright. Okay. I understand, but you'll get in a lot of trouble. He's not your property." She said worriedly

Izuku frowned.
"He shouldn't be anyone's property and I don't care. I want to do what's right." He said

Inko nodded with a sigh.
"Then I support you. Do need money?" She asked

Izuku shook his head.
"No Mina and I are pooling our money to buy a big boat." He said

"Where will you go?" Inko questioned him

Izuku shrugged.
"Wherever the wind takes me mom." He said making her laugh and shake her head

"Make sure to try to give me a call every once in a while just so I know you're okay." She said walking over to the other

One Fish, Two Fish, Half Fish, Marine Biologist.Where stories live. Discover now