Free Katsuki.

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They got Katsuki and Eijiou's tanks off the truck very carefully and onto the boat from the dock, they then strapped them down again to keep the tanks in place. While setting off from the pier Izuku explained the situation to Mina who quickly understood, saying she didn't care where they went as long as the redhead was safe and Izuku couldn't agree more. The two of them often checked on the merman and mershark as they cruised through the dark water that's usually a beautiful blue in the day time. The sun was nearly down when Izuku returned to check on Katsuki and Eijiou again.

"Hey man." The redhead greeted

"Hey Nerd." Katsuki added

"Hi guys. Are you okay?" Izuku asked as he walked between the two tanks with a roll in his arm

"Yeah, we're good." Eijirou nodded

"Okay. I'm sorry for leaving you in the tanks for so long. I'm sure it's uncomfortable." Izuku frowned sadly

"It's fine Deku." Katsuki told him

"Still." Izuku said

"Uh where's Mina?" Eijirou asked looking around

"Oh she's going to sleep below deck on the bed that's down there." Izuku told him

"That where you're going?" Katsuki asked

Izuku shook his head as he unrolled the thing had been holding.
"No, I'm sleeping up here with you two." He smiled

"Huh?" Eijirou said

"Hah?" Katsuki tilted his head

Izuku kneeled down to straighten out his sleeping bag.
"I brought a sleeping bag so I could sleep up here with you two. Someone needs to be close to the helm anyway, you know just incase." He said

"Isn't that uncomfortable for you humans?" Eijirou asked

Izuku giggled as he unzipped the sleeping bag to get in.
"No, not really. Plus you two have to sleep in a rough glass tank. I think I can handle sleeping on the deck for a night." He said stretching before laying down

"If you say so." Eijirou shrugged

Izuku smiled, looking over at the redhead.
"Well then goodnight Eijirou and goodnight Kacchan." He said as he looked over at Katsuki

"Good night Izuku." The mershark told him

"G'night Deku." Katsuki said and they three went quiet

Eijirou saw the blonde sink to the bottom of his tank and lay on his side looking at Izuku who had closed his eyes. The redhead didn't say anything, but he definitely was glad to see Katsuki looking at someone so fondly. He knows the merman feels guilty he's always known, but Eijirou never blamed him so he's just happy that Katsuki is happy.


The next day and very early in the morning Katsuki woke up. He yawned and tried to stretch realizing that he couldn't. Then he remembered where he was. A tank on a boat heading to some island that Toshinori owned. Katsuki sighed, bubbles floating to the surface then he himself moved to poke his head out of the water. He saw Izuku was already up and and standing a few feet away from his sleeping back. changing clothes. Katsuki immediately looked away to give him some privacy, but when he did he noticed Eijirou was up too and grinning at him like an a idiot. The blonde frowned flipping him off and looked away crossing his arms. He heard a little bit of shuffling before Izuku started talking brightly.

"Oh, good morning guys. I didn't know you were awake already." Izuku said as he approached them

Eijirou turned his head to greet the other.
"Mornin'. We didn't want to disturb you, while you were changing clothes." He said

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