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Character: Bakugou Katsuki
Type: Fluff☁️
Story Name: Who do you think I am? Your mother
*Soulmate AU*

(Bakugou pov)

I could hear the faint sounds of knocking coming from my apartment door but I chose to ignore it. But it got harder to ignore the moment that the familiar voice of shitty hair also caught my attention. I grabbed my phone to check the time that read 9:15 am on a Saturday. I get up and slammed open my door only to see my entire idiotic squad standing there with bright smiles on their faces. "It's my first day off in a while so care to fucking explains what the hell are all of you doing here," I asked crossing my arms over my chest. Mina responds first, "Well Bakubabe we need to hang out. We barely hang out as is after graduating. When you have free days we can barely catch you to hang out. You're already out of the apartment and somewhere we don't know about."

I stared at them before rolling my eyes, "Fine. Now I will hang out with you idiots but I need to leave the outing at 2. No questions asked from you guys at all." They nod their heads and I let them in as I get ready. I sent a message to my boyfriend informing him that I was hanging out with my friends one for him to send me a thumbs up and a cute little heart. I smiled softly and quickly finish getting ready. Soon enough we're out and about. After they took me to breakfast to make up for waking me up we headed to the mall where we went to the stores they wanted till we came around to the anime store. I looked around and purchased a couple of figurines and mangas. Then we headed to the hero store where I bought some of my own merch. It did get me a bunch of confused looks from the squad. As we continued walking we ended up bumping into Deku and his squad.

While they all talked amongst each other Todoroki looked over at me with a confused look. "What icy hot? If you have something to say let it out." Everyone looked at the two of us as Todoroki's eyes widened in realization, "He didn't tell you. Did he?" I raised an eyebrow, "What are you talking about?" Todoroki groaned loudly, "(N/n) he's sick. He can't come out of his apartment. He told me he'd text you today so you can take care of him because he knew I was going out with friends and he wanted me to be more social and not a bother." I facepalmed, "I told him I was hanging out with friends too. That's probably why he didn't say anything. Thanks, icy hot. I'll be heading out guys." Before I could leave Kirishima spoke up, "Can we come with?" I stared at them and then at Todoroki who shrugged. I sighed and nodded. The entire group Now including the Dekusquad followed me like little ducklings as I stopped by the store and bought the ingredients for soup including the hottest peppers they have at the store and some medicine.

Once we arrived I told them to keep quiet as I led them into the darkest apartment possible. I clear my throat before speaking up, "(M/n)?" It was quiet till shuffling was heard and out of the darkness appeared my soulmate/boyfriend wrapped up in a blanket. I chuckled before walking over to him and pulling him into my chest. If he could purr I'm pretty sure he would be right now. I turned to the extras, "This is my uh soulmate, Todoroki (M/n). Any questions you have ask icy hot. So get out." After effectively kicking them out I started making the soup while letting (M/n) go through the gifts I got him. I felt arms wrap around my waist before I heard my boyfriend speak up, "Thank you Suki for everything. But can you also make me those spicy cinnamon cookies?" I looked down at his puppy eyes, "Who do you think I am? Your mother." He smirked, "Nah my daddy~" With that, he ran off before I could react. I rolled my eyes fondly as I began making the cookies as well. 'He's lucky I love him.' I thought while (M/n) began to tell me about the newest manga he read.

'No, I'm lucky to have found my soulmate in him.' I thought happily when I saw his face light up when he ate the soup and the cookies.

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I love you my sweet potatoes.

How's everyone's summer break going? If it's already started for you

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