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Character: Bakugou Katsuki
Type: Lil angst 💔, Fluffy AF ☁️
Story Name: Course I'll stick around idiot
*Talks of anxiety/panic attacks**Any quirk *

(Bakugou pov)

I looked over at where (M/n) was sitting and I could immediately tell that he was overwhelmed, overthinking, and possibly on the verge of having a mild panic attack. Aizawa had sprung a pop quiz on us due to us being too loud (Mostly my fault but I'd only admit that too (M/n) and now (M/n)'s anxiety was thrown the roof. I could see him biting his nails and picking at them. From what I could tell he was relatively getting close to making them bleed but luckily Mr.Aizawa spoke up, "The test isn't going into your final grade so don't worry. This was one of the ways to see what you guys might need help on." While I could thank Aizawa for saying something I could see tears of relief going down (M/n) face. So I did what any other boyfriend would do.

I gathered all of my things and walked over to (M/n)'s desk and gathered his things before I grabbed his arm and pulled him out of the classroom as he still had streaming down his cheeks. I glared at Aizawa daring him to try and say something before I closed the classroom door. And practically raced to the dorms. Once there I brought (M/n) to my room and put our stuff on my desk before hugging him. I held him tightly without saying anything as he clung to me bawling his eyes out. I could feel him shaking in my arms and it took everything in me to try and not march back into the classroom and punch my teacher. But I knew that I needed to be there for (M/n). Once he was finally calm enough I got him a change of clothes as well as and were took turns showering.

Once we were both showered and in new clothes, we laid down on my bed and he had his head on my chest while I ran my hand through his hair. I used my free hand to grab the bandaids I keep on my nightstand and began to put the bandaids on his fingers. After every finger, I kissed it because according to him it makes the pain go away. He would huff and puff every once in a while but I could see that he was happy and smiling. He looked up at me before speaking up, "I'm sorry for the way I acted and for causing you to miss class." I rolled my eyes and hugged him closer to me, "You didn't do shit wrong. If anything I should be sorry. I was the cause of your anxiety by being so loud and brash." He stared at me for a moment before he responded, "If the class ever found off l out how nice and sweet you were to me they'd probably wonder what possessed you."

I again rolled my eyes and tickled his side leading him to laugh loudly. We stared into each other's eyes and I swear it felt like those cheesy moments I read about in my romance mangas. I leaned down and pecked his lips too which he responded by burying his face in my chest, "Thank you for always staying by me. I love you Kats." I smiled softly, "Course I'll stick by you, idiot. And I love you too, (N/n)"

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I love you my sweet potatoes <3

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