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Character: Kirishima Eijiro
Type: Fluff☁️
Story Name: I want this future with you
*Any quirk*

(M/n pov)

I watched as my long-term boyfriend, Fatgum, and Suneater helped the kids out of the school. There was a small fire started in the cafeteria and the children needed to be evacuated. As I looked at the newscast I could see that Eijiro had this soft look on his face as he looked down on the kids. Once everything was all set the newscaster interviewed all three of them and I watched as Eijiro played around with the kids as he answered the questions that were being directed at him. It wasn't long till they waved goodbye and headed back to what I'm guessing is Fatgums agency. I continued to make our meal prep for the week and waited for Eijiro's shift to be over. It didn't take more than three hours for Eijiro to come home. Once he did he quickly went to go shower and once he was dressed in one of the many stolen hoodies and some shorts.

He stood in front of me with a big pout on his face. I chuckled softly and opened my arms. He immediately climbed onto my lap and nuzzled his face into the crook of my neck. I smiled softly and wrapped my arms around him. "You okay, love?" He hummed and began playing with my shirt. "Do you think we would ever get married? Or even have kids?" I froze for a second before I grabbed his chin. "Is this because of the kids you saw earlier?" He stared at me with wide eyes, "You saw the newscasting?" I hummed before I spoke up, "You looked so cute playing with the kids but to answer your question. I've been thinking about it. I do want to get married and even maybe at some point adopt kids with you."

He threw his leg over my thigh so that my legs were in between his. I position my hands on his hips before I looked at his face. His face looks absolutely adorable his eyes were wide and full of this wonderful sparkle while he had the biggest grin on his face. I brought one of my hands up to the back of his head before I pulled him into a kiss. The kiss started softly till he whimpered ever so slightly when I bit his bottom lip. He opened his mouth ever so slightly and I pushed my tongue into his mouth. The kiss turned slightly heated with my other hand grabbing at his ass. He moaned softly and I pulled away with a grin. Eijiro panted softly his eyes ever so slightly glossy from the intensity of the kiss.

I gently pulled him closer and hugged him, "I love you so much, Eijiro. I want marriage and I want kids with you. I want this future with you. As long as you have me of course." He hummed and hugged me tighter, "I love you too and I do want that future with you."

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I love you my sweet potatoes <3

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